March 2023 Agenda

Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of Deeping St Nicholas Parish Council, which will be held on Monday the 27th of March commencing at 7pm in the Primary School on Main Road, Deeping St Nicholas.   The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.  If you are unable to attend, please notify me of your apology.

There will be a 15-minute public forum between 7 and 7:15 when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council, and your attendance is also requested during this period.

                      Signed:       Mrs A Harrison          Clerk to the Council          Date:  22nd March 2023




  1. Chairman’s remarks and public forum.
  2. To receive and approve apologies for absence.
  3. To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
  4. Notes of the last meeting held on the 23rd of January to be approved as the Minutes.
  5. Matters arising from the Minutes, (not covered on this Agenda).
  6. Clerk’s report on matters outstanding.
  7. Financial matters:
    1. To receive a report from the Finance Committee and to resolve to adopt the following policies:
      1. DSN Financial Regulations
      2. DSN Grants Policy
    2. Financial reports from the RFO.
    3. To resolve to pay invoices received since the last meeting. (See separate sheet).
    4. To resolve to purchase gifts for the primary school children, to commemorate the King’s Coronation.
  8. Planning matters:
    1. To receive the report from the Planning Committee. (See separate sheet).
  9. HR matters:
    1. To receive a report from the HR Committee and to resolve to adopt the following policies:
      1. Dignity at Work Policy
      2. Safeguarding Policy
  10. Playing Fields & Bus Shelters
    1. To receive a report from the Committee.
      1. To consider and resolve the recommendation to decommission the Littleworth Playing Field.
  11. Crime & Prevention
    1. To receive the crime report for Deeping St Nicholas parish.
    2. To resolve the adoption of a ‘neighbourhood watch’ scheme for DSN.
  12. Highways matters:
    1. To discuss options and make a resolution to address speeding traffic through the village.
    2. To discuss and resolve issues regarding potholes and straw on the roads.
  13. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies.
  14. To resolve matters regarding litter bins and the book box on New Road.
  15. Agenda items to be included on the agenda for the next meeting.