February 2024 Agenda EOM

c/o 9 Monks Meadow, Crowland, LincolnshirePE6 0LJ
Tel: 07452 982100 Email: deepingstnicpc@gmail.com

Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to attend an extraordinary meeting of Deeping St Nicholas Parish Council, which will be held on Monday the 26th of February commencing at 7pm in Deeping St Nicholas Primary School, Main Road, Deeping St Nicholas.

The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda below.  If you are unable to attend, please notify me of your reason for absence.

There will be a 15-minute public forum at the start, when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council, and your attendance is also requested during this period.

Signed:       Mrs A Harrison
Clerk/Proper Officer to the Council.
Dated:  21st February 2024


1)    To receive and approve apologies for absence.

2)    To receive Declarations of Interest, in accordance with the LGA 2000.

3)    To resolve to approve the Minutes of the last meeting.

4)    Matters arising from the Minutes, (not included in this meeting’s agenda).

5)    To receive the notes from the Finance Committee working party meeting, held on the 8th of February and to resolve to approve the following recommendations: -

a)    To discuss and resolve to accept a quote to replace the wet pour surface and carry out remedial works in the toddler play area within St Nicholas Park. (Supporting documents enclosed separately).

b)    To resolve to instruct a Solicitor to progress the land transfer at Campain’s Lane.

c)    To discuss and resolve that the PC takes over the upkeep of the existing defibrillators within the village.

d)    To discuss and resolve whether the Windfarm accounts are removed from the PC’s administration.

Please DO NOT ATTEND if you are unwell or have recently tested positive for Covid