November 2024 Minutes
Council Members: D Croyle (Chair), R Jarvis (Vice Chair), A Croyle, J Mitchell, O McGuinness,
L McGuinness, N Watts, S Chappell and P Barrett 7:10pm
Public Members: 5
Chairman’s welcome and Public Forum.
The Chair welcomed everyone and opened the floor for questions or comments.
Car Park by the new properties behind the shop.
Building materials have been left behind barriers by the shop which look untidy.
Also, bags of other materials left in the area where the refuse bags should be left, although these will not be collected by the District Council.
The Chair advised that the lady speak with the owner of the shop, who is responsible for this area.
AC advised that the whole close of approximately 8 houses is currently up for sale on Right Move.
Some of them are naturally narrow but some could be wider if the layer of silt and leaves is removed.
Difficult when walking very close to the highway and speeding traffic.
NW advised that he had done a lot of footpaths clearing in July but there were some footpaths that were too narrow for his machine.
NW believed he has removed approximately half a ton of soil.
The Chair advised that it should be reported on Fix my Street for the County Council to clear the footpaths.
Overgrown hedges and plants that overhang the footpaths.
The Chair advised that the PC have in the past put polite notes through resident’s doors.
This can also be reported on Fix my Street if it is considered dangerous.
Community Cohesion Project
Faye and Hanna spoke regarding this after contacting the PC via email.
The Chair advised about the Community Groups that are already setup, such as the Good Neighbour Scheme and the Gardening Club, both of which support the community.
The Chair asked whether they would be interested in taking over the Village Fete. She also invited them to meet up after the meeting and invited them to the next GNS meeting.
Safe Space project – would there be any funding available from the PC?
The Chair advised that although the PC supports a number of groups within the community, funds are limited. There are lots of outside funding that you can be applied for.
It was agreed that the Chair would contact Faye and Hanna after the meeting.
57. To resolve to Co-opt Nicky Mansellas-Cooper onto the Parish Council.
It was proposed by LM, seconded by RJ and resolved unanimously to Co-opt Nicky Mansellas-Cooper on to the Parish Council as representative of the Tongue End Ward.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Nicky was unable to attend the meeting, so it was resolved that all necessary paperwork would be completed and returned at the next meeting.
58. To receive and approve apologies for absence.
At the time of the meeting, apologies had been received from Sharon Hall, Jim Mitchell and District Cllrs Bryan Alcock and Jim Astill.
59. To receive Declarations of Interest, in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Member’s Register of Interests.
There were none, but members were reminded that they could declare an interest during the course of the meeting should it be necessary.
60. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 23rd of September.
The Minutes were moved by RJ, seconded by PB, and it was resolved that the Chair sign them as a true record.
61. Matters arising from the Minutes, (not included on this Agenda).
There were none.
62. Clerk’s Report: To receive updates on matters outstanding.
The report had been circulated prior to the meeting.
LM asked whether there was an update regarding the RBL funds.
Although the Clerk had spoken with Mr Branton earlier this month, there was no update as it was being dealt with through the bank.
ACTION: Clerk to ask Mr Branton for an update.
Welcome Gates
The Clerk applied for funding and the application was presented at the Windfarm meeting.
Initially it was turned down, but at the next meeting a new application was submitted and members were asked where exactly will the welcome gates be situated but unfortunately, they didn’t have the information.
The planters weigh a cubic tonne and cannot be moved, but the welcome gates could be placed before or after the planters.
NW as Chair of the Highways committee stated that he has contacted fellow members and that PB is not in favour and SC felt that the money could be spent on tractor signs instead. Therefore, the recommendation of the Highways and Footpaths committee would be not to proceed with the Welcome Gates.
A vote was taken and it was resolved that the application would be resubmitted in March 2025.
PB spoke on behalf of the Windfarm Committee and stated that there was no appetite from them. He also added that where they look nice, is when they’re sited on nicely manicured grass.
LM added that the bus shelter cleaners would also trim around the Welcome Gates to keep them clear of growth.
ACTION: Clerk to contact Highways to confirm acceptable locations.
63. HR Committee: To receive the notes and resolve to approve any recommendations therein.
Notes of the meeting had been distributed prior to the meeting.
LM proposed the following policies: -
Dignity at Work Policy
Zero Tolerance Policy
Social Media
Code of Conduct
Councillors Expenses
AC seconded and it was resolved to add these to the PC’s website. ACTION: Clerk.
LM added that the HR Committee supports the finance committee’s recommendations regarding Bus Shelter cleaning.
64. Finance Matters: -
a. To receive the notes of the recent Finance Committee meeting and resolve to approve any recommendations therein.
Notes of the meeting had been circulated prior to the meeting.
Only received one quote for the Bus Shelter Cleaning at just over £800 including maintenance work and cleaning of the war memorial.
LM proposed
OM seconded and it was resolved to accept the quote.
ACTION: Clerk to apply for the Litter Grant from SHDC.
To consider whether to move the PCs funds to another bank to avoid monthly charges.
Unity Bank who are setup for Parish Councils, charge £6 per month, so at £4.25 per month, Lloyds will still be competitive.
Most banks are starting to bring in charges.
LM proposed that the PC stay with Lloyds
NW seconded and it was resolved to keep banking with Lloyds and to monitor the charges.
AC recommended that the 2 Windfarm accounts be closed before the new charges come into effect.
ACTION: Clerk to close the Windfarm accounts.
b. To resolve to approve the Budget for 2025/26.
A copy of the Budget spreadsheet had been circulated prior to the meeting, showing proposed income and expenditure for 2025/26 against actual spend to October 2024 and forecast expenditure to March 2025.
The budget for 2025/26 of £46,813 was moved by LM and seconded by RJ and it was resolved unanimously.
c. To resolve to approve the Precept for 2025/26
Following approval of the Budget, it was resolved to approve that £30,000 be precepted for 2025/26, with no increase on 2024/25.
LM proposed
RJ seconded
d. To receive Bank Reconciliations for September and October and for the Chair to sign them.
The Bank Reconciliations had been circulated prior to the meeting and were received with thanks.
The Chair signed them.
e. To receive the Budget Summary Reports.
The budget summary report was circulated prior to the meeting and was received with thanks.
f. To approve the list of Payments (separate sheet).
The list of payments and receipts since the last meeting had been circulated prior to the meeting.
Proposed by RJ and seconded by AC it was resolved to approve the payments of £4,490.15 Net.
65. Planning Matters: To receive the report of the Planning Committee.
The report had been circulated prior to the meeting and the committee Chair added the following.
Home Farm amendments have been approved, although it has reduced the number of parking spaces to 27.
Propose to start work on the second quarter of next year.
Application at the Blue Bell Inn site was refused
Extension at Herdsman’s Close has also been refused.
66. Police Matters: To receive crime figures for September 24 taken from Lincs Police website.
The crime figures had been circulated prior to the meeting.
RJ explained that this information would usually be included within the Neighbourhood Watch report, so it will not appear on future agendas.
67. Playing Fields Committee: To receive the report and update from the Committee.
A copy of the report had been circulated prior to the meeting.
The climbing frame was opened to the public today.
Currently sourcing funds for the new equipment in Hop Pole.
3 District Councillors will be donating £1,000 each from their Ward Budgets towards the cost of new benches for St Nicholas Park.
The hedges have been trimmed back on Haywain Drive and the residents have agreed to donate towards the work.
ACTION: Clerk to raise invoices.
LM wanted to record a vote of thanks to RJ for driving these projects and everyone agreed.
68. To discuss and resolve the siting of benches.
It was clarified that these will be Good Neighbour Scheme benches.
Windfarm have donated £500 towards the cost.
The following locations were suggested: -
Campain’s Lane where the bus shelter used to be.
Haybarn by St Nicholas Park looking into the park.
Hop Pole play area, looking into the park.
By the Willow tree on Nicholas Way (Highways permission required).
LM proposed and AC seconded the above locations and it was resolved to proceed.
69. Tongue End Rewilding Project: To receive an update.
Although the Clerk had requested an update, no report had been received prior to the meeting.
This will be passed to the newly co-opted member to liaise with the Community group and report back to the PC in January.
NW offered to get in touch with the Wildlife Trust, which was accepted.
ACTION: Chair to telephone R Chapman.
70. Highways & Footpaths Committee: To receive a verbal report from the Committee Chair.
NW stated that he had no report apart from trying to clean the muck from the edge of the footpaths.
PB reported that the 2 posts have been put in place ready for the interactive speed signs to be put up.
The signs will be Bluetooth enabled so that the Police can access the data.
Traffic calming measures have been suggested, but the Chair stated that it was raised before in 2006 and was refused because it is a main A road.
ACTION: Clerk to ask Cllr Pepper what the criteria is plus add as an agenda item for the next meeting.
SC wanted to record her thanks to PB for driving this project on behalf of the PC.
PB thanked the District Cllrs for their contributions towards the cost of the signs and said there would be a press photo once they are in situ.
a. Correspondence: To discuss and resolve actions regarding reports of speeding and antisocial behaviour on Coronation Avenue.
It was resolved that speeding and antisocial behaviour should be reported to the Police.
SHDC also have an ASB team where issues can be reported.
ACTION: Clerk to respond to the lady, signposting who she should report to.
71. To discuss the Parish Plan Questionnaire.
The Chair would like to get a group together to work on the PPQ.
LM, SC and AC volunteered to form a committee group.
The Chair suggested that members of the Parish also be invited to join the Committee.
LM advised that in the past, they have always dropped out leaving just the PC members.
It was resolved to move forward with the volunteers above who would arrange a meeting.
72. To discuss and resolve the provision of a Christmas Tree for the village.
The Chair advised members that we are now too late to get a tree supplied and erected.
NW stated that he had some trees in VHF Café that are approximately 8 feet tall and that he would be happy to cut one down and get it staked into the ground.
It was resolved that the tree would be put up on Friday the 7th of December.
LM and OM agreed to decorate the tree with the lights purchased last year.
73. Remembrance 2025: To discuss and resolve arrangements.
It has been mentioned that as a PC we are not doing enough in comparison to other Parishes.
The gardening group would be happy to use the planters to display poppies should the PC wish to purchase them.
The Chair suggested that we could get some netting and crocheted poppies to attach to it and drape down the side of the Church, like they do in Crowland.
It was suggested that the school could get the children involved.
The Clerk offered to help with costs through her designated Ward Budget as a District Cllr.
ACTION: Clerk to find out the costs of large poppies for lampposts and Tommy silhouettes.
74. To receive reports and updates from members on Community groups and to resolve any requests.
GNS will be relaunching in January.
Neighbourhood Watch reiterated the Police crime figures.
Gardening Club have new planters put in courtesy of the Windfarm. All original wooden planters have been changed apart from the one by the notice board. All have been filled with bulbs for the Spring.
Achieved a Silver Award from the In-Bloom Committee.
Moving forward there will be no new planters but concentrating on looking after the ones that we have.
Project to connect the woodland area by introducing an insect path.
CTC (Village Hall Committee) that organises the fete. DC and AC are looking for people to volunteer to drive the fete as they are stepping down. They have a ‘fete in a box’ which contains all contact details, etc.
75. Community Speed Watch
Went out on Lincolnshire Day and caught one speeder. Not been out since.
Proposed by LM and seconded by DC to purchase a new bag for the signs.
ACTION: Ask Cllr Pepper when the 30 mph will be implemented up to Harrow Road.
76. Community Cohesion Project
Discussed in open session.
77. Grit Bins
ACTION: Request a new Grit Bin for the New Road junction of Nicholas Way.
78. To suggest Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday the 27th of January 2025.
The following items were requested: -
- Traffic Calming
- Interactive Speed Signs
Parish Plan Questionnaire
Remembrance 2025
79. To resolve on whether the Council will move into closed session to consider the following confidential item in accordance with the provision of Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (admission to meetings Act 1960).
Should this resolution be passed, the public and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.
The resolution was passed and at 9:05pm the Council moved into closed session.
80. To receive a personal announcement.
LM advised that they will be moving house, but will still own property and have business in the village.
Unfortunately, OM will need to resign from the PC due to ill health, but LM will continue as a member.
Everyone thanked OM for his commitment to the Parish and wished them both all the best in their new home.
Post Christmas Do
Clerk to look at venues for either Tuesday the 14th or Wednesday the 15th in January.
Meeting ended at 21:14