February 2024 Minutes EOM
Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting of Deeping St Nicholas Parish Council, held on Monday the 26th of February 2024, commencing at 7pm in the Primary School on Main Road, Deeping St Nicholas.
Present: L McGuinness (Chair), D Croyle (Vice Chair), A Croyle, R Jarvis, P Barrett, O McGuinness, D Strudwick and S Levitt.
Clerk/RFO: Mrs A Harrison
In the Chair: L McGuinness
1 Public Member
There were no public speakers.
107) To receive and approve apologies for absence.
Reasons for absence had been received for N Watts and Cllr Alcock and it was resolved to approve these absences.
108) To receive Declarations of Interest, in accordance with the LGA 2000.
RJ declared an interest in the item regarding quotes for the play area repairs, as he is related to L Jarvis.
109) To resolve to approve the Minutes of the last meeting.
PB requested that a minor change be made to Item 98 on page 37, 3 lines from the bottom, as it was PB not RJ that would report back to Hop Pole.
It was resolved to make the amendment by hand before the Chairman signed the Minutes.
110) Matters arising from the Minutes, (not included in this meeting’s agenda).
As this was an extraordinary meeting, it was resolved to defer this item at the next Council Meeting.
111) To receive the notes from the Finance Committee working party meeting, held on the 8th of February and to resolve to approve the following recommendations: -
The notes were received.
a) To discuss and resolve to accept a quote to replace the wet pour surface and carry out remedial works in the toddler play area within St Nicholas Park. (Supporting documents enclosed separately).
A total of 5 quotes had been considered by the Finance Committee and 2 had been shortlisted for approval by the PC;
Quote 1: Mr L Jarvis £10,130 + VAT.
Quote 2: Mr A Tyrrell £9,700 + VAT.
RJ stated that L Jarvis, (Quote 1), had pulled out as he cannot start the work until May at the earliest.
It was resolved to pay for the work through a request to repurpose the funding from the Windfarm for this project and the surplus through reserves.
Cllr Harrison pledged £1000 from her Ward Budget towards the project.
RJ proposed that Mr Tyrrell’s quote, (Quote 2), be accepted.
DC seconded.
It was unanimously resolved to accept the quote from A. Tyrrell Surfacing.
ACTION: Clerk to progress.
b) To resolve to instruct a Solicitor to progress the land transfer at Campain’s Lane.
The resolution was passed.
ACTION: Clerk to progress.
c) To discuss and resolve that the PC takes over the upkeep of the existing defibrillators within the village.
It was made clear through communication with Mr White, that he does not want the PC to take over the upkeep of the defibrillators. He has managed to gain sufficient funding through local donations but would like financial support from the PC in future years, should the donations be insufficient.
LM proposed that we do not take over the upkeep but budget an amount for next year.
- PB proposed that the PC make a donation of £100.
A vote was taken by show of hands: 5 voted for the proposal.
- DC proposed that we claw back monies from other committees to gain the £100 for this year.
A vote was taken by show of hands: 6 for the proposal.
- RJ proposed that the PC ring-fences £400 from the budget next year.
A vote was taken by show of hands which was unanimous.
It was therefore resolved that the PC ring-fences £400 from the budget next year.
ACTION: Finance Committee
ACTION: Clerk to write to Michael White.
d) To discuss and resolve whether the Wind Farm accounts are removed from the PC’s administration.
Currently, the Wind Farm accounts are included in the PC’s finances and the AGAR (Annual Governance and Accountability Return), which makes it look as though the PC has more money than it does. This money should be controlled and accounted for by the Deeping Wind Farm Advisory Committee.
DS Proposed that the Wind Farm Advisory Committee take over the administration of the accounts.
AC Seconded.
The resolution was passed.
ACTION: Clerk/RFO and A Croyle
Meeting ended at 7:35pm