September 2024 Minutes
Minutes of a meeting of Deeping St Nicholas Parish Council held on Monday the 23rd of September at 7pm in Deeping St Nicholas Primary School, Main Road, Deeping St Nicholas.
Present: D Croyle (Chair), R Jarvis (Vice Chair), P Barrett, O McGuinness, L McGuinness, N Watts,
S Chappell, S Hall, A Croyle and J Mitchell
County Cllrs: N Pepper
6 members of the public
Chairman’s welcome and Public Forum.
There were none.
An email had been received from Faye and Hannah regarding the setup of a community project and it was resolved to add this to the next meeting agenda.
35. To receive and approve apologies for absence.
All Members were present.
Apologies were received from District Cllrs Jim Astill and Bryan Alcock.
36. To receive Declarations of Interest, in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Member’s Register of Interests.
There were none.
37. To approve the Minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on the 22nd of July.
NW proposed an amendment to Item 29. Planning Matters point 5; there were 100,000 tonnes+ of soil brought in not 150 as recorded.
With this amendment AC proposed that the Minutes be approved and JM seconded.
The Chair made the amendment in pen, and it was resolved to approve the Minutes as a correct record and the Chair signed them as such.
38. Matters arising from the Minutes, (not included on this Agenda).
AC spoke regarding item 27.a. Harrow Road parking and confirmed that he had been monitoring the situation, but the most he had ever seen is 2 cars, but usually neatly parked so will continue to monitor.
LM raised the matter of the RBL Funds, and it was acknowledged that there is an update in the Clerk’s Report.
39. To confirm membership of the following sub-committees:
a. HR: Currently LM (Chair), AC, SC and JM
PB to be added as he has an up-to-date safeguarding certificate.
b. Finance: Currently DC (Chair), AC, NW and SH
PB to be added.
c. Planning: Currently AC (Chair), JM, RJ, OM and NW
It was agreed that new planning applications would be sent to all members, (not just the Committee), and that the Committee Chair would be responsible for collating comments to send to the Clerk for entering onto SHDC’s planning portal.
d. Playing Fields: Currently RJ (Chair), OM, LM, JM and DC
No change.
e. Highways & Footpaths: Currently NW (Chair), SH and SC
PB to be added, especially as he is the co-ordinator for the Community Speed Watch.
40. To receive the Clerk’s report on matters outstanding.
PB regarding the RBL funds, reminder that the PC will need to provide a wreath.
ACTION: PB to organize.
41. HR Committee: To receive the notes and approve recommendations made at a recent meeting.
LM gave a verbal report following the HR Committee meeting.
Wish to compile a stand-alone ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy.
Encourage all members to attend a Councillor refresher course through LALC.
Joint Finance and HR meetings where costs are involved.
Recommendation: that the PC Co-opts Nicky Mansellas-Cooper
LM proposed and RJ seconded
It was resolved that Nicky Mansellas-Cooper will be co-opted at the next Council meeting.
42. Finance Committee: To receive the notes and approve recommendations made at a recent meeting.
Item 7. NatWest accounts for the ring-fenced funds.
The Clerk advised that the PC’s address has been changed from Willow Tree Farm, and that herself and Andy have been added as signatories to the account, along with Paul and Mr Branton. As 2 signatures are required for any transaction, there is no immediate need to remove Mr Branton. The Clerk stated that she was waiting for the statements to arrive, as she had been informed by NW that they are sent out quarterly.
The Wind Farm accounts have been setup and the PC’s WF accounts are now showing as NIL.
It was agreed to that the Clerk should keep the accounts open until the funds from EDF Energy have been received into the new account. Once this has cleared, the Clerk can then close the PC’s WF accounts.
Bus Shelter Cleaner
To date, no one has applied for the role.
It would likely be more expensive to employ someone rather than contract the work out, which would also include trimming around the bus shelters, and other overgrown hedges.
DC proposed the recommendation that the PC puts it out to tender.
AC seconded and it was resolved by a show of hands.
New Laptop
Current PC laptop does not have nor support the installation of Windows 11.
Windows 10 will cease to be supported, (with updates or security updates), next year.
LM proposed that an amount be agreed upon and suggested a limit of £500.
JM seconded.
It was resolved that the Clerk look to purchase a laptop within the £500 budget.
43. Finance Matters: -
a. To receive an update regarding the 2023/24 AGAR.
The AGAR has been signed off by the external auditor with comments that the Clerk explained.
Under Section 4. Staff costs, the figures for year ending 2022 had been restated as a PAYE payment had been mis-labelled in Scribe and was accounted for within Section 6. All other payments. However, the figure in Section 6. Had not been reduced.
Under Section 4. Precept the external auditor was not satisfied with the explanations provided to support the increase as they felt they were inadequate.
b. To receive Bank Reconciliations and Summary Reports.
The reports were received, and the Chair signed the Bank Reconciliation.
c. To approve the list of Invoices for Payment (separate sheet).
The payments were proposed by DC and seconded by RJ
It was resolved to approve the list of payments as shown below.
Description |
Net |
Total |
Village Fête |
688.46 |
0.00 |
688.46 |
Tongue End Community |
500.00 |
0.00 |
500.00 |
Gardening Club |
500.00 |
0.00 |
500.00 |
Good Neighbour Scheme |
300.00 |
0.00 |
300.00 |
Grass Cutting - Playing Fields |
448.00 |
89.60 |
537.60 |
Churchyard Grass Cutting |
400.00 |
80.00 |
480.00 |
Printing Costs Village News |
650.00 |
0.00 |
650.00 |
Playground Inspection |
234.00 |
46.80 |
280.80 |
Staff wages |
771.77 |
0.00 |
771.77 |
Microsoft x 2 months |
9.98 |
2.00 |
11.98 |
Staff Travelling Expenses |
5.13 |
0.00 |
5.13 |
Tim Wall Leisure |
618.42 |
0.00 |
618.42 |
Grass Cutting - Playing Fields |
448.00 |
89.60 |
537.60 |
External Audit Fee |
315.00 |
63.00 |
378.00 |
Website Maintenance Service |
90.00 |
18.00 |
108.00 |
Payroll Service |
45.00 |
0.00 |
45.00 |
Playground Inspection Training |
157.50 |
31.50 |
189.00 |
Member’s Travelling Expenses |
45.45 |
0.00 |
45.45 |
Staff wages |
771.77 |
0.00 |
771.77 |
6,998.48 |
420.50 |
7,418.98 |
A list of receipts since the last meeting was also provided. This showed a refund from the Village Fete Committee of £190.00, as the PC had paid for the portable toilets directly, which had been included within the £688.46 in the payments table above.
Description |
Net |
Total |
Village News Advertising |
657.00 |
0.00 |
657.00 |
Refund of Toilet Hire: Village Fete |
190.00 |
38.00 |
228.00 |
847.00 |
38.00 |
885.00 |
44. Planning Matters.
a. To receive the report of the Planning Committee.
LM talked about places of interest Bluebell as it is the oldest building in the village.
ACTION: Planning applications to be sent out to everyone in future.
AC will continue to compile all comments and send to the Clerk to be added to the website
45. To receive an update from the Playing Fields Committee.
RJ advised members that he and JM had attended Playground Inspection Training through LALC and that these would be carried out regularly with reports completed on a weekly and monthly basis.
Public Consultation on the proposed play areas will be held on 19th of October between 3pm and 6pm in the Primary School. This will be advertised in the local press and on social media.
Subsidence where the bus shelter was located, has spread towards the railway line and is now a good 8” down.
The overgrown hedge issue has been ongoing for several years.
The letters state that the homeowners have 7 days to cut back their hedges before the PC instructs a contractor to do the work.
NW suggested that he may know someone with a flail mower who could do a quicker job.
LM proposed that we send the letters out and if the hedges aren’t cut then we arrange to get them cut and bill the homeowner.
PB Seconded
ACTION: Letters to be reworded to include the health and safety issue and sent out in the post.
RJ to advise the Clerk of the affected addresses.
Proof of posting/registered post/proof of delivery
46. To receive an update from the Highways & Footpaths Committee and receive the CSW report.
NW has sent a letter off to Highways regarding the state of the footpaths.
Soil next to the kerbs has set hard.
NW used his own equipment to clear the footpaths, but some pavements were too narrow.
Sprayed a lot of the footpaths which has worked in most places.
Fence set back between New Road and Herdsman’s Close with overgrown patch in front. Unfortunately, this is privately owned so couldn’t be cut or sprayed.
SC asked whether there could be more ‘Farm Vehicle’ signs as currently there is only one at Hop Pole end of the village and another at the far end.
LM added that the proposed welcome gates would state ‘an agricultural village’ on them.
Next Tuesday is Lincolnshire Day and all CSW teams have been asked to go out.
PB asked that more trained people are made available and that the two Radars be available so that we can monitor both directions.
ACTION: PB and RJ will liaise and get 2 teams together. 2 sessions 8am and 2pm.
PB advised that he has spoken with Graham Butler from Lincs Road Safety regarding the poles for the interactive speed signs.
There are 2 other jobs ahead of ours and there will need to be traffic lights put up when the work is carried out.
£250 per pole, so £500 for the 2 poles.
JM has the chargers for the existing interactive signs and will be fitting them when possible.
47. To discuss the Parish Plan Questionnaire.
Due to carry out another Parish Plan Questionnaire next year.
LM was Chair of it last time and although volunteers were involved at the start, they gradually dropped leaving only Members.
The PPQ is usually based around planning and future vision and is used as a tool to give the Parish Council a steer as to what to focus and budget for.
Agreed to put it on the agenda for the November meeting to create a structure.
48. To discuss and resolve arrangements for Remembrance Sunday, 10th of November.
PC to provide a wreath.
ACTION: PB will speak to Erica at the Church with regards to the purchase of a wreath.
Issue of traffic noise was raised, and AC stated that the PA system can be used, and LM added that there is also a speaker that can be placed outside.
ACTION: AC will email Erica to ask whether she would like to use the PA system.
49. To discuss and agree ideas regarding a Christmas Tree for the village.
RJ sourcing some companies and costs regarding the supply, erection, lighting and taking down the tree.
There are various options to consider.
NW offered to speak with Baytree to see if he could beg a tree from them, which he could secure with some stakes.
DC confirmed that there is £400 left over from last year’s budget.
50. To discuss the Pride of DSN awards.
The Chair stated that she felt this is something that should be continued, publicised with people voting for the different categories.
LM suggested that it goes in the Village News then nearer the time put it in the local press in time for the Annual Parish meeting in March.
ACTION: AC to put a ‘teaser’ in the Winter edition of the Village News.
51. To discuss topics and set a date for the Annual Parish Meeting.
It was resolved to hold the APM on Monday the 7th of April 2025
52. To receive reports and updates from members on Community groups and to resolve any requests.
RJ: GNS hoping to reconvene in VHF through the winter.
A QR code is being placed on the Chatter Natter bench which will signpost to Gentlemen’s Mental Health sites.
GC: In Bloom awards this Wednesday and representatives from the group and VHF will be attending.
Put in a funding request to the Windfarm to replace the small wooden planters under the road signs, in a similar style to the larger ones but in green.
Autumn/winter replacement with spring bulbs.
Now have the use of a bowser, (water tank with spray arm), with thanks to JM, but it has rained ever since. However, it will be invaluable in the drier months.
Also gained another sponsor for one of the roadside planters.
53. To suggest Agenda items for the next meeting.
Grit Bins
Tongue End rewilding Update
Siting of Benches
Community Cohesion Project
Parish Plan
54. To confirm the date of the next meeting which has been provisionally set for the 25th of November.
The date was confirmed as above.
55. To resolve on whether the Council will move into closed session to consider the following confidential item in accordance with the provision of Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (admission to meetings Act 1960).
Should this resolution be passed, the public and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.
The Motion was resolved to move into closed session, and the Public left the meeting.
56. To discuss points around the Council’s Code of Conduct, (copies tabled at the meeting).
The Chair spoke regarding the Code of Conduct:
Refresh and remind everyone of the Code of Conduct and expected behaviours.
Do not tolerate abuse from the public or between fellow members.
We are all working towards the same goal and the best interest of the Parish at heart.
This Code of Conduct is not just for meetings, but for how you carry yourself outside of meetings too.
If you experience abuse from members of the public, then you need to report it.
You should not feel like a victim or that you are not respected.
Everyone brings something to the group, and it is good to see a full table.
A good mix of experienced members and new members which is very exciting.
The meeting ended at 21:06