November 2022 Minutes
Present: L McGuinness, D Croyle, A Croyle, D Strudwick, R Jarvis, B Hopkins, D Branton and N Watts
Clerk: Mrs Harrison
District & County Cllrs: E Sneath, N Pepper and B Alcock
1. To receive and approve apologies for absence
It was resolved to receive and approve absences for William Rodwell and Paul Barrett
The Chairman welcomed Rob Jarvis to his first meeting as a newly co-opted Councillor for Deeping St Nicholas
2. To receive Declarations of Interest, in accordance with the LGA 200
There were no additional declarations made
3. To formally adopt the Minutes of the previous Parish Council meeting
The Clerk advised members that she had made an amendment to Item 27. 5) under the sub-heading ‘Consultation regarding street name Zabir Close for the development adjacent to the Plough’.
It was David Branton who suggested Harrow Close.
NW has been changed to DB and the word ‘Road’ has been changed to ‘Close’ on the copy for the Chairman ‘s signature.
The Clerk also confirmed that the correct suggestion was put forward to SHDC’s Planning Officer, e.g., Harrow Close however, the name Zabir Close has been implemented.
AC proposed & BH seconded
Members resolved to adopt the Minutes from the September meeting and those of the extraordinary meeting held on Tuesday 22nd of November
4. Matters Arising from the Minutes (not covered on this Agenda)
DC raised the issue of bus shelter cleaning and confirmed that this is still ongoing with the HR Committee
5. To receive the Clerk’s Report
The Clerk gave a verbal update on several the items, some of which are now complete.
Highways Grass Cutting
Email received today with an Agreement to sign for 2023 and onwards.
Rather than signing an agreement every year, there will just be this one, with a two month notice period to stop at any time.
DS proposed & DC seconded
Members resolved to enter into the agreement
ACTION: Clerk to sign and return the document.
6. HR Committee – to receive the Minutes of the meeting held on the 14.11.22 and to formally adopt policies
DS proposed & AC seconded
Members resolved to formally adopt the following policies, as recommended by the HR Committee:
Code of Conduct
Disciplinary Policy
Formal Redundancy Procedure
7. Playing Fields & Bus Shelters Committee – to receive a report from the Committee Chair
Members received the report from the Committee Chairman
BH read out the report in the absence of the Chairman
There are currently only 3 members of this committee
RJ stated that he would like to join
AC proposed & BH seconded
It was resolved that Rob Jarvis be added to the PF & BS Committee
ACTION: Clerk to update list and website
8. Planning Committee – to receive a report from the Committee Chair
Members received the report from the Committee Chairman which gave details of 5 applications received since the last meeting, none of them contentious
AC requested that members of the committee respond to him with their own observations to the consultations and stated that he would call a physical meeting should there be a large/contentious application.
9. Community Committee – to receive updates on Good Neighbour Scheme, Gardening Club and the Triangle Project
Good Neighbour Scheme
Still growing in numbers and holding ‘Cuppa and Cake’
Now going to be adopting a ‘Chatter Natter’ table, currently in Vine House Farm
This will be manned by a volunteer
Available Monday mornings between 10 and 12 every other week
For more immobile people within the village, if they send their orders through to either of the village shops, members of the GNS will deliver.
Leaflet drop planned to advertise
Gardening Club
All planters have been filled with trailing winter panzies
Purchased 3 new aluminium ribbed planters to replace wooden ones along the Main Road, which will be sponsored by local businesses
One sponsor is confirmed
Triangle Project
Anglian Water are now happy with the siting of the standpipe, and we are now awaiting a date to connect
Woodland area planned for the Spring with the help of the local Scouts
Currently waist high in weeds
NW offered to give it a spray before they start work in the Spring
Entering ‘in Bloom’ competition again next year
AC advised members that Sue Titcombe has resigned her position on the Village News and a plan has been put in place to ensure that the magazine continues in the future
AC is compiling a list of areas that need ‘no dog fouling’ signs and asked members to let him know of any areas that require new stickers
RJ spoke about the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme
Currently operating in areas around Coronation Avenue, Chappell Road and Wren Close
Asked if the PC could purchase 2,000 stickers and aluminium signs for lampposts
Apparently, the NWS is no longer recognised or supported by the Police and has been replaced by another scheme
LM stated that she will make some enquiries about the new scheme
It was resolved not to do anything until details of the new scheme have been obtained.
ACTION: L McGuinness to find out about new Neighbour scheme
ACTION: Clerk to add to next agenda
RJ advised members that he had received a request for a memorial bench near the bus stop for the young lad who lost his life on the railway
LM recalled another memorial bench in the village, which was funded by the family rather than the PC
Members agreed that it would be inappropriate for the PC to fund the bench, but the PC’s permission will need to be sought regarding the siting of a bench
ACTION: R Jarvis to report back to the family
10. CTC – to receive an update on Allison Homes’ application to build a village hall
Following the extraordinary meeting last week, AC has been in touch with the developers to pass on the resolutions
Sent them a 3-page list of points regarding the spec for the building, right down to door handles, light fittings, etc
DB raised a question as to who was appointing the Solicitor, the PC or the Developer, following confirmation that the developer will be paying the PC’s legal costs?
LM replied that the PC will be appointing the Solicitor, but Allison Homes will be invoiced for the costs
AC confirmed that there is no direct relationship between the contractor and our solicitor
LM stated that following discussion with the PC’s solicitor, there will be no benefit to the PC for the application to be submitted in joint names
LM advised that once the CTC have received answers to their questions, she will setup a meeting between herself, the Solicitor and members of the CTC just to make sure that everything is in order
11. Litter Bin within fenced playground on St Nicholas Park
BH confirmed that the litter bin within the play area has been removed and a new, small bin on a post, has been erected outside of the fencing.
12. Update regarding a Defibrillator for Tongue End
Clerk has received invoices from Ric Chapman for the defibrillator and the electrician
Still awaiting funding from Cllr Sneath who has pledged £250
Members resolved that the invoices could be paid now, as the funding from Cllr Sneath is in the pipeline.
ACTION: Clerk to pay the 2 invoices
13. To discuss the 20th Limit outside the school
NW raised this issue as it seemed senseless to always have the 20 mph in force, E.g., evenings, weekends and during school holidays
After discussions, it was resolved that the PC could write to the Road Safety Partnership to make the request
ACTION: Clerk to write to the Road Safety Partnership
14. South Lincs Connected – to receive an update
LM gave the following update: -
LCC are still pressing for the train requirements for the East Midlands franchise to be implemented and they recognise that Lincolnshire need improvements in their services
At the last meeting they did clarify that there was nothing in LCC’s freight strategies to indicate that a Rail Freight Interchange was under consideration for our area
More passengers using the Delaney 301 Stamford to Spalding bus service, now that it is going to Springfields
Awaiting some action points and the legal status of the cycle paths/footpaths through the village (RHS if heading towards Spalding)
Legislation to implement a joint path – awaiting clarification
Talks with Delaney to put on a special bus for the Flower Parade
Meeting with LCC with regards to Call Connect
DB stated that he has raised the state of the footpath on many occasions, as this would have a detrimental effect on the use of the footpath
LM agreed to add this to the next South Lincs Agenda
DB stated that although he had no figures, it seemed that since Covid there has been far fewer passengers using the train service to and from Spalding and Peterborough
LM supported this view and added that she had put something in the village news to encourage concessionary bus users to return to the busses as well
Spoke about at the last meeting and suggested that there may be a campaign to use public transport; especially as during Covid, people were told to avoid public transport, but they have not been told that it’s safe to return
LM agreed to add it to the agenda for the next meeting
ACTION: L McGuinness to add footpaths and campaign to use public transport to the next SLC meeting Agenda
15. Carrington Drive turning point – to receive an update
DS received an email recently stating that the area has been registered at the Land Registry by SHDC and that LCC has added the job to their works
16. Vermin/Pest Control
LM stated that she had received reports that rats are coming from the dyke in Banks Drove
Sugar beet attracts rats and is in the field
Baiting is taking place and once the sugar beet has been lifted, they will dissipate
17. Accounts and Reports from the RFO
To receive finance reports from the RFO
Members thanked the RFO for the comprehensive reports
NW asked about the effectiveness of the Community Speedwatch
As PB was not present at the meeting, an answer could not be given
It was agreed to add this to the next meeting agenda
ACTION: Clerk to add this to the agenda
To approve Clerk’s expenses
BH proposed & DS seconded
Members resolved to approve the Clerk’s expenses
To approve outstanding Payments
It was resolved to approve the outstanding payments
To approve purchase of Arnold Baker 13th edition via LALC £131.99 (List price £164.99)
20% discount
Required for CiLCA qualification
DS proposed & RJ seconded
It was resolved to approve the purchase of the Local Council Administration book by Arnold Baker (13th edition), through LALC at the reduced price
ACTION: Clerk to place the order through LALC
18. Agenda items to be included on the agenda for the next meeting
Community Speedwatch
Neighbourhood Watch
Street Cleaning/Bus Shelters
Wasteland at the end of Coronation Avenue by Chappell Road (SHDC) – can it be tidied up
“In Committee”
The Public & Press to be excluded from the meeting in accordance with the provision of Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (admission to meetings Act 1960). The items to be discussed being of a confidential nature.
19. Finance Committee – To receive the Minutes of the meeting held on 24.10.22 and approve recommendations
Recommendation that the NatWest bank account address be changed to the Clerk’s office address
DC proposed & BH seconded
It was resolved to approve the recommendation
ACTION: Signatories to write to the bank to request change of address
Gardening Club
Recommendation that the PC make an annual donation of £500 to the Gardening Club
Amount to be reviewed each year
AC proposed & BH seconded
It was resolved to make an annual payment to the Gardening Club
Summer Fête
Recommendation that the PC support this annual event with a donation
It was resolved that a maximum of £700 per annum will be given for this event
Tongue End Community funding
The PC holds some ring-fenced money for the Community of Tongue End
It was agreed that no money be transferred until a 3rd, independent signatory has been appointed
School hire charges
Resolved at the EGM
Littleworth Playing Field and Fence
PF & BS Committee to meet and acquire costings for the replacement fencing
ACTION: PF & BS Committee
At the extraordinary meeting, it was agreed to pay £2,050 to get the 3 willow trees removed and plugged.
2 can be removed immediately but the one by the railway will need working on by Network Rail
Recommendation for new notice boards in the following locations: -
Chappell Road
Hop Pole (wall mounted)
Village Shop (wall mounted with owner’s permission)
Campain’s Lane/Elizabeth Court
Tongue End (Waterproof) – awaiting location
Total cost to not exceed £1,450
DC proposed & RJ seconded
It was resolved to purchase new notice boards for these locations
ACTION: A Croyle to source notice boards and prices
Precept for 2023/24
The Finance Committee put forward a recommendation to increase the Precept to £23,883.75 giving an additional £4,776.75 for the year, as costs are going up and the PC has very little reserves for unexpected costs such as an election. This will cost the average Band D property owner 46 pence per week or £23.92 per annum.
DS proposed & NW seconded
DB proposed that the Precept be increased to £21,973.05 which would give an additional £2,866.05 for the year
BH seconded
A vote was taken on the second proposal
2 for / 5 against
Therefore, it was resolved to increase the Precept to £23,883.75
LM advised that she had received a copy of the Model Financial Regulations from the Clerk and that these will be worked on at the next Financial Committee Meeting
20. Tongue End Playing Field
Ric Chapman has asked permission from the PC to allow the BBC to film on our land
It was unanimously agreed to give authorisation
Meeting ended at 20:50