January 2022 Minutes

MINUTES of the Meeting of DEEPING ST NICHOLAS PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 24th January 2022 at 7:00pm, held in Deeping St Nicholas Parish Church

(Recorded by the Clerk)

Present:          David Branton (Chairman), Deborah Croyle (Vice Chairman), William Rodwell, Paul Barrett,

Ric Chapman, Charles Sly, Andy Croyle, Louise McGuinness, David Strudwick and Barry Hopkins

Clerk & RFO:  Angela Harrison

In the Chair: David Branton


Apologies were received from:

Nicholas Watts
County Cllr Elizabeth Sneath
County Cllr Nigel Pepper
District Cllr Bryan Alcock
District Cllr Jim Astill

It was agreed to approve the apologies for absence.

Declarations of Interest (in accordance with the LGA 2000)


Village Hall CIO:                     N Watts, A Croyle, D Strudwick and D Croyle

Good Neighbour Scheme:      D Croyle, B Hopkins, L McGuinness, P Barrett and A Croyle

Gardening Club:                      D Croyle, A Croyle and P Barrett

Public Speakers (Max 3 mins each)

There were none.

To formerly adopt the Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting, held on Monday 26th July 2021

The Clerk advised that she had made two small amendments to the “in Committee” Minutes, after they had been circulated.  These were a correction to a person’s initial and the words ‘very effective’.

The amendments had been made prior to the copy brought to the meeting for the Chairman to sign.

It was resolved to approve the Minutes with these amendments.

Proposed:        B Hopkins

Seconded:       D Strudwick

Matters Arising from the Minutes

Item 8 – Fibre Broadband Update

AC felt that the wording in the Minutes, although as quoted at the meeting, could be misconstrued to mean that the PC had given financial support.  As the Minutes had already been signed as a true record, he asked that the following amendment be recorded in this meeting’s Minutes;

‘The PC discontinue involvement with this activity’ as opposed to ‘un-sponsor this company’.

Item 6 – Carrington Drive (turning circle)

DS reported that he had received no response to date from the Highways Officer.  He had gone back to Cllr Pepper who advised that he should keep pushing for a response.

To receive verbal reports from District & County Councilors

There were no Cllrs present.

DB had received an email from Cllr Astill regarding complaints he had received from residents of noise from freight trains.

LM added that there had been trains going through at 3 and 4am.
DB stated that rail can go through at any time day or night as statute, so unfortunately, there would not be much anyone could do about it.
DB advised that he had spoken with Cllr Astill regarding Ward Budget funding.  There is money available should the PC have any projects for this year.

AC advised that the GNS have also requested some funding.

Update on Community Wellbeing (DC)
Plans for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

The above two items were taken together.

Community Trust Committee

AC spoke about the costs of the fete for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Biggest cost will be Circa £200 for the Portaloos, £21 for the TEN (Temporary Event Notice) and Generators at Circa £25.
Manpower is needed.  A total of 12-15 people on the day, 8 people required to erect and take down the marquee, plus Marshalls for traffic, stallholders and signage, along with first aider(s).
DC added that there had been a letter from the Lord Lieutenant of Lincolnshire sent out via email, encouraging communities to come together to celebrate the event.
DB read out the letter, which spoke about a big lunch on Sunday 5th June to bring communities together.
LM suggested the Lincs Volunteer Service may be able to assist with manpower on the day.
The event will also be advertised in the Village News, along with a call for volunteers.
It was suggested that the school be approached to get involved with the event.
Commemorative mugs or coins could be purchased for the school children.
It was agreed that this be looked into further.

Action: D Croyle

Good Neighbour Scheme

DC updated the members and advised that they would be seeking funding for the cost of DBS checks.

Meeting planned for 1st February with a new sponsor.
Plan to officially launch in the Spring.

Gardening Club update

DSN will be entered into the ‘Best Kept Village’ competition this year.

East Midland’s In Bloom are keen to contribute to the triangle
The Forge in Spalding have offered to make 2 commemorative benches at a discounted rate, and will site them on the triangle.
19th February work on Zone 1 will commence.  Zone 2 start date to be confirmed, along with the benches, but will be in place in time for the fete.
Zone 3 is reliant upon the trees being lopped, which will need to be done before March.
DB and DC will meet with Sneath’s to discuss what needs doing.
12 trees from the Woodland’s Trust will be arriving between the 28th February and 16th March.
Chainsaw artist required to sculpt the tree trunk into a bench for that area.

Update on Playing Fields & Bus Shelters

PB stated that the Hop Pole and Harrow Road bus shelter repairs have been completed and have been inspected.

Both look good and will request a quote for a new one.

Action: P Barrett

DB added that the guttering needs repairing and the ivy cutting away.

Action: P Barrett

DB offered to look at the guttering on the Banks Drove bus shelter and clear out the leaves.

Action: D Branton

DB stated that he would obtain quotes for replacement fencing along the recreation ground.

Action: D Branton

An application to the Windfarm Committee for funding will need to be submitted by 5th March in time for consideration at their meeting on the 16th March.

PB suggested that the playing field fencing could come under health and safety, whereas the bus shelter will encourage the use of public transport.
Action: D Branton & Clerk

BH raised the issue of the overgrown pathway between Haywain Drive and Haybarn Road.

DB suggested that he and the Vice Chair meet with BH to look at the issue and agree a solution.

Dog bin Haywain Drive

BH advised members that despite it being requested, the bin had not been replaced.

DB advised that he would take a look at it and see if his men could fix it.

Action: D Branton

Update on Tongue End Playing Field

RC advised members that on the 18th December, 25 residents of mixed ages, planted 250 young trees (whips).

Owl box will be going up imminently, with the help of the IDB
80 trees will be delivered and planted in the next couple of weeks to create the orchard at the back.
Roadside elderberry trees require lopping back.
Action: R Chapman

Quotes have been received for the gates.
It has been decided to remove the swing, but keep the frame for a roosting point for owls, etc.
RC was congratulated on his work and commitment to this project.

Update on Littleworth Signal Box

DB stated that he has had some discussions but cannot make a decision until the outcome of LM’s meetings with the interested parties.

LM added that the consultation closing date is the 1st December.
She will be holding 6-weekly meetings
Although not in the past Local Plan, it is in the new one to be adopted in March.
Stations are a big feature with many places in Lincolnshire being identified.
Littleworth is favorable and we will be working with Donington
District Cllrs are in support
Project entitled ‘South of Lincs Connected’
Tend to be Lincoln central and we get overlooked
DB added that we cannot discuss the signal box any more until the issue of the station is resolved.
Good relationship with Delaine buses and there is funding for an improved bus service.

Network Rail Crossing

DB gave a brief overview of the issue of Littleworth crossing being closed for 2 days.

Everything arrived on the site, apart from the straps for lifting, but the crossing could not be re-opened because of the welfare unit at the side of the road.  This meant that residents had a 15-mile detour.
This is the second time that this has happened.
Both the Clerk and the Chairman wrote to Network Rail and to date, there has been no response.
Recently, barriers have been down for 35 minutes and then 2 hours.
It was agreed that the PC write again to Network Rail, outlining the unreliability of the barriers and lack of consideration for local people and communities.
Action: Clerk

Highways Funding Gap – Road Maintenance Concerns

LCC have a 12% deficit in their budget for Highway’s funding.

North Drove Bank is virtually impassible in an ordinary car.

It was agreed to write to Highways and the Press with photos.

Action: Clerk & D Branton

Report from the RFO

The Clerk tabled the Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting along with a budget report that she had prepared to assist members with the setting of the Precept. 

Members agreed to reject the proposal of the Finance Committee, as this would not give enough funds to cover the basic running costs of the PC, let alone the projects that they wished to undertake, such as replacing the fencing around the recreation ground and replacing the old bus shelter.
L McGuinness proposed a Precept of £19,107

D Strudwick seconded the proposal

A vote was taken by show of hands, which was unanimous.

It was therefore resolved to set the Parish Precept at £19,107 for 2022/23

To approve invoices for payment (separate sheet)
A list of payments had been circulated prior to the meeting.

W Rodwell moved that the payments be approved

R Chapman seconded

All agreed

CS enquired whether payment had been received for the Wayleave at Tongue End from Western Power.

As it has not been received, he will chase this up.

Action: C Sly

Planning Matters for Consideration

Quinquo, Campain’s Lane

Rear Single Storey pitched roof extension

Comments: The Parish Council have no objection to this application.

The Former Plough, Main Road

Modification – Section 73

Comments: The Parish Council are happy to rely on the expertise of the officers.

To discuss any information which the Chairman may legally bring to the Council’s attention

LM stated that the Chappell Road eyesore matter had now been resolved through SHDC.

Agenda items for the next meeting   

It was requested to keep item 8

Turning circle down Carrington Drive

No Parking signs on Campain’s Lane

PB advised members that he is constantly harassed by one resident about the sign, and that he was concerned about the state of that area.

There is a huge pothole in the graveled area which had caused damage to the suspension on his vehicle and a cost of £200 to repair.
He suggested that planters around the sign could be used to ‘soften’ the area and make it more aesthetically pleasing.
Action: In Bloom

Meeting ended at 8:21pm