November 2021 Minutes
MINUTES of the Meeting of DEEPING ST NICHOLAS PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 29th November 2021 at 7:00pm, held in Deeping St Nicholas Parish Church
(Recorded by the Clerk)
Present: David Branton (Chairman), Deborah Croyle (Vice Chairman), William Rodwell, Nicholas Watts, Charles Sly, Andy Croyle, Louise McGuinness, David Strudwick and Barry Hopkins
Clerk/RFO: Angela Harrison
Cllr Nigel Pepper & Cllr Bryan Alcock
In the Chair: David Branton
- Apologies
Apologies were received from:
- Paul Barrett
- Ric Chapman
- County Cllr Elizabeth Sneath
- District Cllr Jim Astill
It was agreed to approve the apologies for absence.
- Declarations of Interest (in accordance with the LGA 2000)
Village Hall CIO: N Watts, A Croyle, D Strudwick and D Croyle
Good Neighbour Scheme: D Croyle, B Hopkins, L McGuinness, P Barrett and A Croyle
Gardening Club: D Croyle, A Croyle and P Barrett
- Public Speakers (Max 3 mins each)
There were none.
- To formerly adopt the Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting, held on Monday 26th July 2021
The Clerk advised that she had made some minor amendments to the Minutes, after they had been circulated.
- Additional wording from Cllr McGuinness, had been inserted under item 11. Littleworth Signal Box. This item was read out loud to the Members by the Clerk.
- Cllr Strudwick had also requested that additional wording be added under item 5. Matters Arising from the Minutes, sub heading, Carrington Drive. Again, the additional wording was read out to the Members.
The above amendments had been made to the copy brought to the meeting for the Chairman to sign.
- Cllr Watts asked that the spelling of Chapel Road under item 10. Notice Boards, be amended to Chappell Road, as a point of clarification.
Members agreed to approve the Minutes with these amendments.
- Matters Arising from the Minutes
The work to clear the overgrown footpaths has still not taken place.
Following on from the email received from LCC Highways, the Chairman asked Cllr Pepper if he had any further information as to when the work might be carried out, to which he replied that he had not.
Proposed Speed Reduction for Tongue End
As Cllr Chapman and Cllr Sneath were not present, the Chairman asked that this item be added to the next meeting’s agenda.
- To receive verbal reports from District & County Councilors
Cllr Pepper gave an update on the turning circle at the bottom of Carrington Drive.
- Met with Highways Officer and householder from the right-hand side of the road.
- Highways plans show no infringement on the left-hand side.
- Although there is scope on the RHS for improvement, it will not greatly increase the size of the turning circle, which was put in in the 1930s when vehicles were much smaller.
- Received an email from SHDC, (who are the landowner of the property on the LHS), regarding arrangements to meet with Highways to discuss the issue.
- D Strudwick will continue to liaise with them.
The Chairman thanked Cllr Pepper and D Strudwick for their efforts.
Cllr Alcock stated that the newly formed partnership between the 3 District Councils is now up and running.
The hope is that savings will be made, but only time would tell.
He took the opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.
- Update on Community Wellbeing (DC)
Community Trust Committee
- DS reported that he had been to view the halls and their committees, at both Moulton Chapel and Mareham le Fen.
- The object was to look at their facilities and to learn about how we can raise funds.
- DC reminded everyone present, of the Christmas Event being held in association with Vine House Farm Shop & Café, to raise funds for the CTC, on Sunday 5th December. The event will run from 4-6pm and entry is via ticket, at a cost of £6 each.
Good Neighbour Scheme
DC updated the members and stated that she will be arranging a meeting to organize DBS checks, possibly next year.
- Looking to officially launch in March 2022.
- Bank account has been setup and funds transferred from the PC’s account.
- Volunteers are still coming on board, which is great.
Gardening Club update
In order to raise more funds, the GC will launch ‘Sponsor a Planter’ scheme in the Spring.
- Planning to enhance the triangle to coincide with the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
- DB stated that he had received the detailed plans from the Vice Chairman, and requested that they were distributed to all members.
- Copies were passed around the members for them to view and discuss.
- DC spoke about the wooded area that had been thinned and was due to be lopped. The plan is to take this back to woodland, with woodland planting. She will meet with Sneath’s and other member of the GC to assess which trees can be lopped and which ones should be left to grow.
- Members were advised that during the recent storm, one of the trees came down, damaging the fence at the rear of one of the houses that back on to the triangle.
- It was agreed that the PC would cover the cost of repairs to the fence.
- DC brought to members’ attention, the fact that the current seat is sinking, so the level needs to be raised before additional seating is put in. The GC are happy to do this work.
Action: GC
- Overall costing for the 3 areas of planting, will be approximately £10K.
- The GC will be looking for funding for this work, provided the PC are happy for it to go ahead.
The Chairman suggested that the PC give a donation of £1K towards the cost of this work.
Moved: C Sly
Seconded: D Strudwick
All agreed
AC added that the Gardening Club now has its own bank account and thanked the PC, as a body, for holding the funds and the Clerk for her work in paying all the bills.
- Fibre Broadband Update from AC
AC advised that some time ago, a company named Quantum Air Fibre were advertising high speed fibre broadband to the village.
- AC managed to gained a lot of interest from local residents and passed this on to the company.
- Quantum Air Fibre have now stated that DSN is no longer on their list.
AC proposed that the PC un-sponsor this company.
All agreed.
- To discuss plans for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
The CTC will be putting on a fete on Friday the 3rd June and proposed that the CTC and PC focus on this one event as a joint effort.
- Stallholders, a bar, food and singing have already been organized.
- Looking for financial support for things like generators and portable toilets.
- Will need physical help in putting up large marquees.
The Chairman stated that the PC supports this event in principle, but requested firm costings for the next PC meeting.
Action: DC
AC added that any other volunteer groups within the community, could promote their organisation on the noticeboard within one of the marquees.
As an aside, DC stated that as we are in difficult times, this event would go ahead either as a celebration or a commemoration.
All agreed.
- Update on Playing Fields & Bus Shelters
Bus Shelters
DS stated that the work is now complete on the Hop Pole bus shelter and looks very good.
DB said that work on the shelter in Harrow Road had started, but not yet finished.
- Dog Bin Haywain Drive
This bin has been damaged, making it difficult to empty.
It has been badly dented on the top causing a spike to stick out which could be a health and safety risk.
BH has sent photos to the Clerk, who will email SHDC to see if they can arrange a replacement.
Action: Clerk
- Update on Tongue End Playing Field
In R Chapman’s absence, DC spoke about his question in regards to liability insurance and the purchase of large power tools to carry out work on the site.
- DC advised that the group be registered as a Community Group, (as she has done with the Good Neighbour Scheme and Gardening Club), and could apply for their own insurance.
- Rather than buying large pieces of equipment, they would be better off hiring professionals to carry out the work, then buy smaller pieces of equipment that they would use all the time.
Action: DC to Advise RC
- Littleworth Signal Box
The Chairman stated that he had spoken with Sir John Hayes MP, who wishes to have time to consider the matter. At the time of the meeting, he had not heard back from him.
LM added that she has spoken with him also, with regards to the re-opening of Littleworth and the Local Transport plan.
- LM and the Chairman will arrange to get together to discuss moving forward.
- LM advised that the Local Transport Plan is out for consultation. There are 2 ‘vague’ sites for rail freight interchange hubs and river freight is also mentioned.
- AC mentioned that he had looked through the documents and seen that the Littleworth Station was regarded as a priority in one document but not in another document, which he found confusing.
- LM said that the working party were looking to meet 6-monthly in order to keep up momentum.
- Also looking to join forces with Donington for transport in South Lincs.
- Report from the RFO
Financial reports including, a bank reconciliation to the 22nd November, a Net Position summary report and a list of payments for approval, had been circulated prior to the meeting.
- To approve Invoices for Payment (separate sheet)
Moved: D Strudwick
Seconded: W Rodwell
All Agreed
The Chairman informed members that there would be a Finance Committee meeting on Wednesday 15th December at 7pm in the Church. If the Church was not available, he would hold it at his offices.
- Planning Matters for Consideration
Proposed Single Storey Rear Extension |
12-11-21 |
Undecided |
The Parish council had no objections to this application.
- To discuss any information which the Chairman may legally bring to the Council’s attention
There was nothing.
- Agenda items for the next meeting
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Tongue End Playing Field
Campain’s Lane: No Parking signs.
Meeting ended at 8:21pm