July 2021 Minutes
MINUTES of the Meeting of DEEPING ST NICHOLAS PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 26th July 2021 at 7:00pm, held in Deeping St Nicholas Parish Church
(Recorded by the Clerk)
Present: David Branton (Chairman), Deborah Croyle (Vice Chairman), William Rodwell, Nicholas Watts, Andy Croyle, Paul Barrett, Louise McGuinness, Ric Chapman, David Strudwick, Charles Sly and Barry Hopkins
Clerk/RFO: Angela Harrison
District Cllr Bryan Alcock
Community Engagement Officer for Welland Rivers Trust: Perry Burns
Press Officer: Kat Wakefield from Lincs Free Press & Spalding Guardian
Several members of the Public
In the Chair: David Branton
- Apologies
Apologies were received from:
- County & District Cllr Nigel Pepper
- County Cllr Elizabeth Sneath
- District Cllr Jim Astill
- Declarations of Interest (in accordance with the LGA 2000)
Village Hall CIO: N Watts, A Croyle, D Strudwick and D Croyle
Good Neighbour Scheme: D Croyle, B Hopkins, L McGuinness, P Barrett and A Croyle
Gardening Club: D Croyle and P Barrett
- Public Speakers (Max 3 mins each)
There were 3 members of the public who wished to speak:
- Emma Johns from Hop Pole asked whether football nets could be placed within the goalposts in the Hop Pole playing field.
- The Parish Council expressed safety risks with nets being left up.
- Ms. Johns explained that a neighboring village, Langtoft, had installed nets in their goalposts.
It was agreed that the appropriate Committee would look into this. Action: PF&BS Committee
Although not an item on the Agenda, the Chairman allowed the following gentleman to speak.
- Luke Bradley spoke on behalf of himself and his mother, (who was also present), in relation to a Parish Council ‘no parking’ sign that he claimed was erected illegally, and on their property.
The Chairman explained that the sign was erected on the piece of land on Campain’s Lane that used to have a bus shelter on it, that belonged to the PC.
- The Clerk advised that she had applied for a copy of the Title Deeds from HM Land Registry, to show the boundary of the resident’s property. Once received, the issue can be resolved.
Action: Clerk & Chairman
- Suzanne Chappell of Hop Pole raised the issue of overgrown hedges along the footpath from Stonehouse Farm to the Bluebell, which causes pedestrians to walk in the road.
The PC agreed to post slips through the letter boxes of the privately owned properties and the Clerk will make an online report to LCC Highways.
Action: DS & Clerk
- To formerly adopt the Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting, held on Monday 24th May 2021
Item 7, last sentence - It was LM who expressed thanks, not DC as stated.
Item 15 a. first bullet point – ‘Permisson’ should read ‘Persimmon’.
It was agreed that the Chairman sign the Minutes as a true record, with the above amendments noted.
- Matters Arising from the Minutes
Item 7 - PB gave an overview of the Civic Service being held in the Church at 3pm on the 19th September.
- All Parish Cllrs invited to take part.
- Nominations of local people who deserve to be commended, should be emailed to Erica Crust.
- Refreshments will be provided afterwards.
Item 10 – AC gave an update on the proposed book box.
- Now built and sited on Haywain Drive, with a DSN in Bloom planter.
- Not only books, but also a selection of CDs
The Chappell Road Notice Board has not yet been returned by SHDC.
Item 11 – PB gave an update on the CSW
- There is a Police campaign announced this week.
- They will be out in the community during the next 4 weeks.
- CSW recently caught a vehicle travelling at 84mph through the village, by Harrow Road, then 51mph on its return journey.
- Jelson’s have erected a ‘blind spot’ mirror on the post that one of our interactive signs goes on.
- The interactive sign had been taken down to charge, but now unable to put back up as the mirror needs to be moved up approximately 2 inches.
It was suggested that PB speak with someone on the Jelson’s site to move the mirror.
Action: PB
The Chairman spoke about the ongoing issue regarding the overgrown footpath from Willow Tree Farm towards Spalding and requested that the Clerk report this again to LCC Highways.
Action: Clerk
- Perry Burns, Community Engagement Officer for Welland Rivers Trust
Perry Burns introduced himself to everyone present and explained that it was not only the River Welland, but all the waterways that flow from it, that he covers.
- He is part of a 2-man team who come out and speak to Parishes.
- Now working with Ric Chapman on the 2-acre, Tongue End playing field project
- Also, with Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust and the local community.
- Channel the positive energy from the PC and the residents of DSN, into revitalizing the space.
- His work is funded by National Lottery Community Fund.
- Also working alongside Anglian Water and the Environment Agency.
- With regards to the TE project, initially there were going to be 400+ trees planted on the site, but following advice from the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, this has now changed.
- Looking to create different habitats and diversity
- Add a scrape, (wildlife pond) and wetland.
Perry had brought along some hosepipe spray guns and outdoor tap insulators that he had acquired from Anglian Water, for members of the PC and anyone else present who would like one.
The Chairman thanked Perry for coming and for bringing along the ‘gifts and asked if anyone had any questions.
The Clerk asked what happened about the trees.
Initially the PC spoke about a woodland, but now it will be a variety of different areas, including an orchard.
- Although he was free to leave, Perry said that he would like to stay for the remainder of the meeting, as he found it useful and interesting to get involved with community issues.
The Chairman invited RC to speak further about the Tongue End playing field project.
A copy of the first stage proposal document was circulated electronically prior to the meeting and some hard copies were distributed at the meeting.
- RC stated that he had received a lot of support locally.
- Carried out an online survey
- 8 key points have been identified:
- Cutting schedule: once a year currently – increase to two cuts per year.
- Andrew Bavin has kindly offered to do the cutting and keeps the hay for his farm.
- Wildflower planting.
- Bi-monthly meetings which are generating interest.
- Planting of trees and hedges.
- Establish a hedgerow on the south-east border, to the rear of the field.
- Set forward in order that we can get behind to trim it, rather than it encroaching onto the farmland beyond.
- Security at the front needs to be addressed.
- Need a new, metal, gate.
- Create an on-site parking area for 3-4 cars, so that there is no parking on the main road.
- Restore existing swing and maybe add other pieces of play equipment.
- Replace chain-link fencing.
- Create a pond in the south-east area as this is where the ground is at its lowest.
- Measuring water levels and established lowest level to put scrape.
WR asked about filling in the dyke at the front.
- This was deemed too expensive due to the differing levels of the road, field, etc.
AC flagged up the ongoing costs, with regards to inspections of play equipment.
Next action points are as follows:
- Acquire quotes for the gate and fence.
- Proposal will get updated in the next week or so but that will be clear on the web page (small changes).
- Onsite meeting with the local working group.
- Advertise the work being done via the Deeping St Nicholas Parish social media.
- Work with Welland Rivers Trust and William Rodwell to source hedgerow.
The Chairman thanked RC and everyone involved, and said that the PC would give the project as much support as possible.
- To Receive Verbal Reports from District & County Councilors
Cllr Alcock advised that the District Council’s Officers are gradually returning to the offices.
District Council are still not meeting in their Chambers, but are using Springfield’s Civic Centre.
- The DC has now divorced with Breckland BC and are now looking to share their management team with either East Lindsey or Boston Council.
8. Carrington Drive, Hop Pole: vehicle turning area
DS stated that he had been approached by a resident of Carrington Drive, regarding vehicles using his driveway as a turning point.
- During the past 45 years, the official turning point seems to have disappeared.
- A site visit was undertaken with DS, DB and County Cllr Nigel Pepper, along with the residents along the right-hand-side, at the bottom of the road.
- It was noted that LCC had tarmacked the road and that the area opposite, (which is owned by SHDC), had posts erected on it, illegally, by one of the residents.
- Cllr Pepper took photographs and stated that he would speak with Officers at both SHDC and LCC in order to find a solution.
Action: Cllr Pepper & DS
9. Community Wellbeing (DC)
Good Neighbour Scheme
- Survey in the last issue of the Village News
- Online meeting with Community Lincs
- Responses that came back were positive.
- Decision not to formerly adopt a GNS as such, due to there being lots of red tape.
- Contacted people to arrange to meet informally on the 3rd August.
- Looking to setup a community contact for a ‘befriending’ scheme.
- Low key – spread by word of mouth.
Gardening Club
- Built a team of volunteers who are maintaining or sponsoring the planters.
- Autumn/Winter: Remove the bedding plants and replace with bulbs, perennials and winter bedding plants.
- Funding from ‘in bloom’ committee
- Plan to enter competition next year – best kept village.
- Funding offered from District Cllr Jim Astill.
The Chairman gave his thanks and congratulated everyone involved.
- PB raised an issue regarding the planter at Policeman’s Corner.
- Needs to be moved back further from the road as it is unsafe for volunteers to maintain due to the speed and volume of traffic.
10. Update on the Village Hall
Community Trust Committee
- DS stated that they are currently looking for funding.
- Need to put together a business case.
- The Home Farm development may be a year or two away.
- AC added that he had received no further correspondence from the developer.
Action: CTC
11. Playing Fields & Bus Shelters
It was suggested that the members of this committee meet up to go on a tour of all the playing fields, in order to ascertain their current condition.
It was agreed that the Committee would meet at 12 Noon on Sunday 1st August at St Nicholas Park.
- Littleworth Signal Box
The Chairman gave a brief update on the situation.
- Incredibly difficult to speak to anyone at Network Rail.
- The question was raised on how we intend to maintain the side opposite the track.
- Signal Box is in a dilapidated state and in dire need of repair.
PB proposed that we ‘wash our hands of it’ and let Network Rail knock it down.
- LM added that the LTP V was due to be completed by July for public consultation.
- The study is in three stages.
- The 2 pieces of work LCC are looking at, are passenger improvements and infrastructure, with stage 2 looking at possible new stations.
- The passenger work is completed in draft format and infrastructure work is imminent.
- The draft consultation document will need to be cleared and signed off, then the work can be shared.
- There have been a few delays on other areas so it is hoped that the document will be able to go out to public consultation in September.
- CS added that he had been to look at the new station at Manea, but there was no constructed building, just a ticket machine.
- LM added that the signal box was part of the heritage of the village.
- AC stated that it had been altered away from the original design, e.g., roof, UPVC windows, etc.
- WR added that the cost to replace these with wooden frames etc., would cost a fortune.
LM requested the motion to have the signal box to be pulled down, deferred to the next meeting.
All agreed.
- Report from the Finance Committee
Financial reports including, a bank reconciliation to the end of June, a Net Position summary report and a list of payments for approval, had been circulated prior to the meeting.
- CS asked about the bus shelter cleaning and whether all of the bus shelters could be cleaned.
- The current cleaner only cleans the 3 main bus shelters but not Hop Pole and Banks Drove.
It was agreed to approve the list of payments and that the PF&BS committee would discuss the issue of bus shelter cleaning, at Sunday’s meeting.
- Update on DSN Gardening Club (DC)
This had been covered under Community Wellbeing and will not require a separate agenda item in future.
- Planning Matters for Consideration
- H03-0681-21 Poplar Farm Estates Ltd, Main Road, Deeping St Nicholas PE11 3DJ
Details of external materials, landscaping and surface water drainage
(Conditions 3, 5 & 8 of Ho3-1153-18) 22-06-21 CONDITION COMPLIANCE Undecided
- The location of the application was confirmed to be behind the Plough and bounded by the new village shop.
- 8 dwellings made up of 4 pairs of semi-detached properties.
- Surface water for each dwelling will be via soakaways.
- Water treatment facility at the back of the properties, with treated water, (to purified standard), piped into the IDB’s drain.
- The PC can still foresee problems with surface water drainage.
Clerk to make the following comments:
The PC are pleased to see the 50-persons’ water treatment facility, but are disappointed that it won’t deal with surface water as well. We feel that the soakaways are inadequate.
- AC advised that Jelson’s are advertising their houses on their website, at £300K for a 3-bedroomed property. Caultons Road and Falcons Avenue are the two road names chosen from the ones we submitted.
- When looking to set the Precept for next year, we may need to budget for play equipment and dog bins for this new estate.
- To discuss any information which the Chairman may legally bring to the Council’s attention
DS raised the issue as seen in the Voice newspaper, regarding the Spalding waste and recycling plant.
- Advised to lobby our County Cllrs, Elizabeth Sneath and Nigel Pepper, to continue the ‘click & tip’ system.
BH said that he had received complaints about Chappell Road being impassible in places where the hedge was growing right out into the road.
- Trees around St Nicholas Park have low lying branches which are dangerous.
- Children’s play park bin is full of beer cans and bottles.
Action: PF&BS Committee
AC said that he intends to restore the Notice Board on St Nicholas Way this week, along with the Tongue End and Chappell Road one, (if it comes back from SHDC).
Action: A Croyle
LM mentioned a Chappell Road resident who had complained to her about SHDC placing people in bungalows which are overcrowded.
- 18th July there was a Police incident and there are sofas dumped outside.
The Clerk was minded to express thanks to County Cllr Nigel Pepper for arranging the removal of the red sofa from the bus shelter in DSN. Apparently, it was not easy to track down, as each time a crew were sent to fetch it, it had moved to a new location!
- Agenda items for the next meeting
LM asked that the Signal Box be added to the next meeting.
Meeting ended at 9:27pm