January 2025 Minutes
Minutes of a meeting of Deeping St Nicholas Parish Council, held on Monday the 27th of January commencing at 7pm in the Primary School on Main Road, Deeping St Nicholas.
Present: D Croyle (Chair), R Jarvis (Vice Chair), A Croyle, S Hall, S Chappell, L McGuinness,
N Mansellas-Cooper and J Mitchell
Sue Whitton, Emergency Planning & Business Continuity Manager from LCC
Members of the Public: 6
Chairman’s welcome and Public Forum.
A resident of Haybarn Road spoke about her concerns regarding the Ball Wall on St Nicholas Park as she lives in a bungalow with a bedroom at the front, and her husband goes to bed at 7pm.
RJ advised that the Ball Wall is designed to go into small spaces, has an open structure with a special coating to reduce the noise of ball impacts.
Installation of the new equipment is not yet complete, and the workmen left the site secure with Harris fencing bolted from the inside. However, it has been reported that, but both the Ball Wall and the Zip Line have been broken into over the weekend, with children playing on the zip line which is extremely dangerous.
RJ asked that residents alert the PC if they see anyone breaking through the fencing and using the equipment.
Consultation results showed 42% of residents voted for the ball wall and 43% for the zip line.
RJ stated that it is impossible to know whether there will be a noise issue, but that he will monitor the noise levels over the Spring and Summer and asked the resident to notify him if there is anything she is concerned with.
The Chair advised everyone that the Pride of DSN Awards will be going ahead again this year and will be advertised in the Village News, Notice Boards and the PC’s Facebook Page. Categories will be: -
Young Achiever - to recognise young people in the community who have excelled in school, sport, business or working on community projects. Looking for young people who are a role model in the local community.
Community Hero – to recognise volunteers in our area who provide vital help without seeking recognition. Looking for those who strive to be a caring figure in their neighbourhood to help others, acting purely out of kindness.
Special Achievement – to recognise a person or community group that has made outstanding contributions over several years. This could include continued fundraising, commitment to a cause, or someone who has helped to make DSN a better place to live through their continuing efforts.
Residents will be able to vote via email, text message, Facebook Private Message or by completing a slip in the Village News that can be posted into a box which will be located at Vine House Farm shop and café.
81. To receive and approve apologies for absence.
Apologies have been received from N Watts, P Barrett, O McGuinness and District Cllr J Astill.
It was resolved to approve the apologies.
82. To receive Declarations of Interest, in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Member’s Register of Interests.
JM advised that he has the gym equipment and the picnic bench from St Nicholas Park at his workshop for refurbishment.
There were no others.
83. To receive a presentation from Sue Whitton, Emergency Planning & Business Continuity Manager, on setting up a Community Emergency Plan.
Sue spoke about the possibility of the Parish setting up its own Emergency Plan and handed out information which contains a link to the website.
Looking for willing volunteers to help and they will be provided with training, support and £300 worth of equipment, e.g. wind-up radios, hi-vis, loud haler, etc.
Can be a hook for younger people to get into local Government and volunteer groups.
Require a core number of 4 people to be the initial contacts.
The department act as a conduit into all the emergency services to support with any incident.
Training will be ongoing with the PC and the emergency services.
Also carry out exercises to test the plan and practice roles.
Completely free along with the supply of a ‘battle box’.
Fill in the plan and send it back to Sue Whitton, then training will commence.
The Chair thanked her for her time and for coming to the meeting, and Sue left.
The Chair asked if there were any Members that would like to be involved getting it started.
RJ, AC and NMC put their names forward.
LM suggested that it could also be put in the Parish Plan to get resident volunteers.
All members were keen to get this started so it was resolved to give it more thought and to bring it back to the next meeting.
84. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 25th of November 2024.
Moved by RJ, seconded by LM and unanimously resolved to approve the Minutes and the Chair signed them as a true record.
85. Matters arising from the Minutes, (not included on this Agenda).
LM asked about the Welcome Gates and whether the PC’s meeting would be held after the Windfarm meeting.
It was confirmed that the Windfarm’s meeting would be held after the PC’s meeting.
86. Clerk’s Report: To receive updates on matters outstanding.
A copy of the report had been circulated prior to the meeting.
The Clerk drew the members’ attention to the updates, as follows: -
Welcome Gates
ACTION: Clerk to speak with former Clerk at Cowbit to find out the process.
Traffic Calming Measures
Not supported by LCC
30mph Speed Limit
Advised by LCC to look at purchasing a solar-powered interactive speed sign to put up by VHF
ACTION: Clerk to respond to Cllr Pepper’s email of the 14th of Jan to confirm agreement with the proposals.
RBL Funds
Mr Branton is doubtful that the money will come to the PC as Mr Tinsley’s legacy was that the funds were left to the BL for the benefit of the village. If successful, any spending of the funds will be decided between Mr Branton and the County, as he is the BL representative for this area.
He requested that we leave this with him.
A discussion was had, and it was resolved that the Clerk speak with a neighbouring Council to find out if there is anything else we can do.
ACTION: AC to provide details to the Clerk.
Windfarm Accounts
The Clerk confirmed that both accounts have been closed, and final statements received.
Pack of 20 reusable plastic poppies 40cm x 36cm will cost £95 and come with cable ties.
Unknown Tommy and Women in War Statue Pair, Lest we Forget will cost £325.00
District Cllr Harrison offered to fund the cost of the poppies and the statues.
It was resolved that Cllr Harrison purchase 2 packs of large poppies from her Ward Budget and that JM look at making the silhouettes and then the PC will donate to the RBL.
ACTION: Clerk and JM
AC added that the main contact, Linda Ecob has retired as School Administrator and Laura Waters has taken over that role.
ACTION: Clerk to update contact details. (Add email address)
The Clerk gave a brief update on Devolution, which is likely to happen in 2028..
County elections are currently set to take place this year, although the Leader has requested they be delayed.
District Cllrs will have an extra year added to their term of office, with no elections in 2027.
The Boundary Commission will be brought in to define the new boundaries for the Unitary elections in 2028.
The Greater Lincolnshire Mayoral Authority will require 2 Unitary Councils of up to 500,000 residents each.
North/South divide is the favourable option with South Holland being firmly in the Southern Unitary.
There will be 7 District Councils within the Unitary, with only 4 seats available on the Board.
South Holland and East Lindsey have both been successful in gaining a seat, along with Lincoln City and North Kesteven.
87. Finance Matters: -
a. To receive Bank Reconciliations for November and December and for the Chair to sign them.
The reports were received and signed by the Chair.
b. To receive the Budget Summary Reports.
The report was received.
AC made members aware that the advertising is now starting to pay most of the costs for the Village News.
c. To approve the list of Payments (separate sheet).
The list of payments, totalling £2,920.69 (Ex. VAT), was moved by RJ, seconded by DC and was unanimously resolved to approve them for payment.
d. To resolve to adopt the new Financial Regulations (copy attached).
AC spoke about the document and was thanked for his time spent working on it.
The new Financial Regulations were moved by AC, seconded by LM, and it was unanimously resolved to adopt them.
ACTION: Clerk to publish on the PC’s website.
88. Planning Matters: To receive the report of the Planning Committee.
The report had been circulated prior to the meeting and the Committee had no issues with the applications listed.
Since the report was circulated, a new application was received for an affordable housing development of 24 dwellings behind Campain’s Lane, to be accessed via Littleworth Drove.
Initial flooding concerns have been addressed.
Original application had 2 bungalows which went against the flood zone 3 recommendations.
A block of 4 1-bed homes have replaced these but have the bedrooms on the ground floor.
Concerns raised regarding flood risk to the ground floor bedroomed properties and run-off to the existing properties on Elizabeth Court and Campain’s Lane which are at a lower level.
ACTION: Clerk to add the PC’s observations to the Planning Portal.
89. Police Matters: To receive the most recent crime figures, as published on the Police website.
Crimes reported in November 2024
3 Crimes reported in Tongue End: 3 Violence and sexual offences on or near Counter Drain Drove
3 Crimes reported in Deeping St Nicholas: 1 Violence and sexual offence on or near St Nicholas Way, 1 Violence and sexual offence on or near Campain’s Lane and 1 Drugs crime on or near Green Lane.
90. Playing Fields Committee: To receive a report or update from the Committee Chair.
The report had been circulated prior to the meeting.
St Nicholas Park almost completed.
Hop Pole funding is currently being sought.
JM has the exercise equipment and the bench which were removed from St Nicholas Park, and they will be refurbished and installed at Hop Pole.
91. Tongue End Rewilding Project: To receive an update from the new member for Tongue End Ward.
NM-C has arranged to meet with Mr Chapman and other members of the TE Committee on Friday.
Signs need putting back up and the Notice Board needs to be re-installed, as it is currently lying in the grass.
ACTION: NM-C to ask who is responsible for maintenance of the Defibrillator.
92. Highways & Footpaths Committee: To receive a report from the Committee Chair.
Meeting held last week.
Went through the National Highways report and submitted responses.
Included the poor condition of roads, pathways, etc.
Recommendation: to reply to Cllr Pepper’s email to agree to the proposal.
RJ proposed and JM seconded, and it was resolved to accept the recommendation.
NM-C added that she would be happy to fund another interactive speed sign through Porsche.
ACTION: Highways Committee to look at costs of a solar powered ISS.
a. To discuss the possibility of implementing traffic Calming Measures.
Covered in the Clerk’s Report.
b. To receive a report from the CSW co-ordinator.
There was no report, and the co-ordinator was not present at the meeting.
93. To receive reports and updates from members on Community groups and to resolve any requests.
Been quiet through Christmas and New Year but still doing hospital visits and appointments.
Benches will be painted and sited within the next 4 weeks.
Neighbourhood Watch
Police report may not be as bad as it looks as this is the categories the Police use.
Armed raid on a property on New Road with drugs seized.
ACTION: RJ to ask the local PCSO about youth crime and hare coursing.
Gardening Club
Had their AGM.
Permission request to put a path around the area to enable wheelchairs, pushchairs, etc to gain access to all areas.
This will be permeable grass matting.
LM proposed, RJ seconded, and it was resolved to grant permission for grass matting to be put down.
The GC have decided not to enter In Bloom this year as it is a lot of work and funding is not guaranteed.
94. To discuss the Parish Plan Questionnaire.
Meeting arranged for the 24th of Feb and will be advertised in the Village News
Should only take a couple of meetings then can go ahead.
DC added that this is an important piece of work as the outcome will form an action plan for the PC.
95. To discuss the future of the Village Fete.
Massive thanks to AC & DC for all their work over the past years.
RJ is happy to Chair with N-MC as Vice Chair of the VF Committee.
Permission granted to use the Triangle on the 14th of June.
Already have food vans and bands lined up, along with a bouncy castle.
Generators kindly donated by J Mitchell Engineering.
Considering a stall with meet your councillor, maybe Parish, District and County.
Pony rides are also being considered for the day, with 2 or 3 ponies.
96. Remembrance 2025: To discuss and resolve arrangements.
It was resolved to purchase 40 poppies, (2 packs), for the lampposts through the main part of DSN either side of the Church, funded by District Cllr Harrison.
97. To discuss the Community Cohesion Project.
2 ladies came to the last meeting.
Chair communicated with them via email following the meeting and is awaiting their response.
98. To suggest Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday the 24th of March 2025.
Dog Fouling
Emergency Planning
Parish Plan
Village Fete
Pest Control
Flower boxes on bus shelters
Meeting ended at 20:51