January 2023 Minutes

Present: L McGuinness, D Croyle, A Croyle, D Strudwick, W Rodwell, P Barrett, R Jarvis, B Hopkins, D Branton and N Watts


Clerk: Mrs Harrison


District & County Cllrs: E Sneath and J Astill


In the Chair: L McGuinness



67) Chairman’s welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and wished them a Happy New Year.

68) Public Forum for residents to voice their concerns and ask questions.

Q: Progress on the Village Hall? 

- AC answered to say that there had been regular updates in the Village News

- Currently in discussion with developers for Home Farm site 120 houses + Village Hall

- Discussing fixtures and fittings

- Closer than we have been at any time in the past.

Q: Is anything going to be done about the speeding traffic through the village?

P Barrett – Speedwatch

- Currently have only 3-4 volunteers

- Police are proactive and will be joining us

- Constant topic of conversation

- Looking at getting a couple of interactive signs with solar panels on them

- No cameras in this village

- Only 2-3% caught speeding so unlikely to get speed cameras unfortunately

- PCSO pulled everyone into the bus shelter that was doing 50mph or over.

The following question was asked from Chappell Road residents, (through the Chair), to Cllr Astill

Q: Solar panels on rooves – a couple of properties seem to have been missed off

- Resident spoke to Colin Parker at SHDC who said that there was insufficient funding for all properties so others will not get Solar Panels

Q: Heat source pumps installed in the bungalows – costing too much and insufficient

- RJ answered to say that apparently, they need to be set at a constant temperature.


69) To receive and approve apologies for absence.

Apologies had been received from Cllrs Pepper and Alcock


70) To receive Declarations of Interest, in accordance with the LGA 2000



71) To formally adopt the Minutes of the previous Parish Council meeting

Proposed: BH

Seconded: RJ

The Chairman signed the Minutes as a true record.


72) Matters arising from the Minutes, (not covered on this Agenda)

 Standpipe (item 9) 1st February latest date from Anglian Water

 Village News – Spring issue in preparation

 Dog Fouling signs – no more areas in need so all done


73) To receive the Clerk’s Report

Need to set a date for the Annual Parish Meeting (between 1st March and 1st June)

It was resolved to hold the Annual Parish Meeting on Monday 20th March at 6pm with refreshments.

Action: Clerk to contact the school


74) Costs for additional Notice Boards (AC)

Need to put an application into Windfarm for funding.

Action: Clerk

Gentleman at the village store is happy to have a notice board on the outside wall of the shop.

- RJ has offered the loan of his power tools to put up the additional boards.


75) Playing Fields & Bus Shelters – to receive a report from the Committee Chair


- Nothing to report yet, awaiting response from Mark Whitehead, (Network Rail), before we can do anything with the tree that is overhanging the railway line.

- Sensitively removed the shrine in the bus shelter.

- Need to obtain quotes for replacing the fence and the bus shelter itself.

Action: PF & BS Committee


a) To discuss decommissioning Littleworth Playing field

- Field donated to the village.

- Field only has 1 set of swings and there are other playing fields in the area with more play equipment. 

- Change of use

- RJ suggested a dog friendly field, chargeable with a lockable gate.

- DC suggested a natural green area with benches for everyone to enjoy.

- AC added that as a playing field, it was dangerous for children to cross the main road to access it.

- LM suggested that it be put on the agenda for the next PF & BS Committee and bring back recommendation to full council.

Action: PF & BS Committee


76) Planning Committee – to receive a report from the Committee Chair

As the committee has not met since the last meeting and applications have been circulated by email to elicit committee member’s responses, I list below the applications received since (just before) the last meeting and the responses obtained.


Application no Location Reason Response/s

H03-0003-23 Hop Pole House Main Road Erection of outbuilding - re-submission of h03-0841-22 ‘No problem’

H03-0908-22 2 Herdsmans Close Deeping St Nicholas Proposed porch and kitchen extension ‘No issue’

‘Minor works’


Andy Croyle, Planning Committee Chair, 11/1/23.


77) Parking over dropped kerbs (RJ)

- Throughout the Parish there are bobble pavements with dropped kerbs, but vehicles are parking over them.  

- RJ needed to escort a blind gentleman across the road safely. 

Action: Clerk to Write to PCSO (Paul Copeland) to find out what can be done

78) Village Hall Progress (AC)

Covered earlier.

DC added that there will be a point in time when things are more definite, when there will be an open meeting with the public.


79) Update regarding the Defibrillator for Tongue End

All paid for.


80) Update regarding 20mph Limit outside the school. 

Clerk sent a letter to the Road Safety Partnership on 11.01.23.

- Awaiting their reply


81) South Lincs Connected – to receive updates regarding transport, the station and signal box.

• Meeting on Friday January 20th       

- LCC Cllr Sneath & Sir John Hayes in attendance

- Project in the Midlands Park & Ride strategy and both Littleworth and Donington have been put forward and are now on the list.

- Now in LTP5

• Met with the owner of the land.

- In support of the project as long as it doesn’t impact his business.

- Happy to Lease the land for the construction and use of a platform.

- Station House he will gift to the community – article in the village news.

 DB offered words of caution as the building is in a very poor state and Network Rail would want it brought up to a certain standard.

 DC added that a survey would need to be carried out before any work was done on the building.

 NW noted that it may be extremely difficult to carry out any work on the Railway side.

• Paul asked if there was any news on the signal box.

- LM stated that it would be included in the above project.


82) Carrington Drive turning point – to receive an update.

- Land Registry have put the land into LCC ownership.

- Work scheduled for next financial year.


83) Accounts and Finance Matters

i) To receive finance reports from the RFO (Bank Reconciliation, Summary & Net Position)




ii) To approve Clerk’s expenses (separate sheet)


Proposed DS

Seconded: AC



iii) To approve outstanding payments (separate sheet)


Proposed: DS

Seconded: AC



iv) To agree Highway Grass Cutting for 2023/24 (see quote and agreement)


Proposed: DC 

Seconded: DS



v) To consider payment to LALC for assistance with website maintenance (see sheet)


Although the Clerk had requested the PC pay £85 + VAT for 5 hours support, it was suggested that the PC pay for 10 hours at £170 + VAT p/a


Proposed: RJ

Seconded: DS


NW Proposed 5 hours, as this is what the Clerk had asked for.

PB Seconded


A vote was taken, and it was agreed to go pay for 5 hours website support through LALC.

Action: Clerk



84) Agenda items to be included on the agenda for the next meeting.

 Potholes.

 Straw on roadsides.

The Chairman went back to Matters Arising

• Purchase 2,000 stickers for Neighbourhood Watch Scheme

- LM spoke to the Police and now called Lincs Access/Our Watch

- RJ stated that in 12-13 weeks there have been no crimes reported, whereas beforehand there was a crime reported every week.

o Want to roll it out to the whole village.

o Need aluminium signs, (currently using laminated card).


- NWS is Nationally being phased out.

 DC stated that there is a GNS meeting tomorrow in a resident’s house but RJ welcome to join via Zoom.



“In Committee”

The Public & Press to be excluded from the meeting in accordance with the provision of Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (admission to meetings Act 1960).  The items to be discussed being of a confidential nature.



85) HR Committee - To discuss increasing the working hours of the Clerk.


The HR Committee recommended that due to the increased workload, the Clerk’s hours be raised from 10 to 13 per week.


Proposed: BH 

Seconded: RJ








Meeting ended at 8:25pm