May 2019 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

MINUTES of the Annual Meeting of DEEPING ST NICHOLAS PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 20th May 2019 at 7:00pm, at the Parish Church, Deeping St Nicholas

                                                                                                                                         Recorded by the Clerk


Present:          William Rodwell (Chairman), David Branton, Paul Barrett,

Barry Hopkins, Charles Sly, Nicholas Watts, Richard Ivatt

Angela Harrison (Clerk)


County Cllr Nigel Pepper

District Cllr Bryan Alcock


                        Carol MacKenzie

                        2 members of the public



1.     Election of Chairman

David Branton welcomed everyone to the meeting.


He praised the work that William Rodwell has done over the past three years and proposed that William continue as Chairman.

Seconded: Barry Hopkins


Paul Barrett stated that although he agreed that William had done a fantastic job, it had been agreed in the past that someone couldn’t stand for Chairman if they lived outside the village.


David Branton agreed but confirmed that William Rodwell lives within the required distance.


It was unanimously agreed that William Rodwell be re-elected as Chairman of the Parish Council and a Declaration of Acceptance of Office was duly signed and witnessed by the Clerk


2.     Election of Vice Chairman

William Rodwell thanked David Branton and asked that the Council support his proposal that David Branton continue as Vice Chairman.

Seconded: Charles Sly

It was unanimously agreed the David Branton be re-elected as Vice Chairman of the Parish Council and a Declaration of Acceptance of Office was duly signed and witnessed by the Clerk


3.     Chairman’s Announcements


The Chairman read out the following report:




This last year has had all the usual challenges, grass cutting, road and pavement problems, speeding traffic, planning issues, general administration of the Parish Council and responding to Parish members concerns and complaints but sadly none of the Parish Councillors get much praise for the time and effort they put into doing the job.


Grass mowing on the Playing Fields is done by Sneath's and the road sides by SHDC. We try and control the cost by the frequency of the cuts, but often the weather interrupts the program and the areas tend to look a little ragged but as the season progresses and grass growth reduces, they will hopefully look good.


Traffic speed is an ongoing issue but with the purchase of the two interactive signs and the hand held camera, I feel we have had a positive effect on most vehicles. 

The Police do use their mobile detection units at the School and Plough yard to try and enforce the speed limit. The Police have been more active in the fight against Hare Coursing and managed to reduce the incidents but let's hope this continues in the future. The Police sometimes attend our meeting but we are unconvinced about the number of crimes reported by them and is not representative of the scale of the problem in this village.


We have managed to put some new play equipment on the Campain’s Lane Play area with the help of the Wind Farm, District Councillors and the PC and hope it meets the needs of local children. A picnic bench has been added at St Nicholas Park. 


Planning has seen issues with Caultons Field, Plough Inn Site and the Home Farm Development. We are hopeful that this development will deliver a New Village Hall on the triangle of land off St Nicholas Way. This was identified by the Parish Plan and work done by Councillors McGuiness and Croyle and Mrs Croyle's COMMUNITY TRUST COMMITTEE to develop and hopefully deliver a Village Hall.


Tongue End Playing Field is still undecided but, in the meantime, we are going to leave it to go wild. Litter Picking and road side Drainage has been tackled by Councillor Watts and really improved the drive through the Village.


The Village News is a great success and I must thank Councillor Barrett and all the others who help to deliver it, and especially Sue Titcombe who produces the publication 4 times a year. It is a vital link to the community.


We have tried to promote the new Delaine Bus Service and the use of Call Connect service run by Lincs County Council. We hope to get better signage at the bus stops.


Finally, I would like to thank the two retiring Parish Councillors George Fitzgerald and Ian McDonald for their involvement with the Parish Council over the years, and all the Parish Councillors, District and County Councillors for their support in attending Meetings and giving advice and especially our Parish Clerk, Angela Harrison for her work with the Parish.



David Branton requested that an official letter of thanks be sent to our retiring Parish Councillors to which all agreed.  (Clerk to action)


4.     Future Meeting Dates



July 29th

September 30th

November 18th


January 20th

March 23rd

May 18th

July 27th

September 28th

November 23rd


5.     Apologies


At the time of the meeting, apologies had been received from:


Andy & Deborah Croyle:         Pre-booked Holiday

Louise McGuiness:                 Pre-booked Holiday

County Cllr E Sneath:             Prior Commitment to attend a Charity Event

District Cllr J Astill:                  Councillor Training Session

Winston Brown (Press):          Surfleet Parish Council Annual Meeting


6.     Public Speakers


Carol MacKenzie wished to ask about the Village Hall under the planning item.  She asked whether the Parish Council would be looking at taking out a loan from the Public Loans Board, as Parish Councils are allowed to purchase items for the Village Hall, as long as invoices are made out to the PC then they can claim back the VAT.  She gave the Clerk a copy of the NALC report outlining the details.


7.     Reports from District & County Councillors


•   Cllr Alcock stated that he was pleased to be back and pleased also to see all the Parish Councillors back in attendance.

-       Caulton’s field application is due to go before the Planning Committee next week

-       Home Farm application is being held up due to the application site being outside of the residential areas outlined on the newly adopted Local Plan.  Planning Officers are currently seeking legal advice on the matter

•   Cllr Pepper stated that he was pleased that Cllr Alcock got re-elected as he has a wealth of experience and a lot of respect for him, but equally disappointed that Angela wasn’t re-elected as he was looking forward to working with her. 

-       He too was pleased to see the Parish Councillors present and stated that he had turned down the training session at SHDC and the request to attend another Parish meeting in order to be at Deeping St Nicholas’ annual meeting. 

-       Although he has undertaken the required training for the Community Speed watch, he had so far been unable to carry out the recent volunteer duties as they had clashed with another commitment, however he is keen to take part, as and when needed.


8.     Declarations of Interest (as per the LGA 2000)




9.     Police Matters


The Chairman read out the letter from Inspector Gareth Boxall which was sent to the Parish Council, dated 24th April 2019.  The letter stated that there would no longer be a Police presence at the Parish meetings and that the crime figures could be found online.


The Clerk logged onto the website and read out the crimes listed for Deeping St Nicholas.

Charles Sly suggested that we ask for updates on the crimes that are listed and to follow up on the Anti-social behaviour issue on St Nicholas Park by way of an email to the resident that had contacted the PC previously. (Clerk to action)


10.  Election of Committees


Playing Fields & Bus Shelters

W Rodwell, P Barrett, C Sly, B Hopkins

Proposed: David Branton

Seconded: Richard Ivatt



W Rodwell, N Watts, D Branton, P Barrett

Proposed: Barry Hopkins

Seconded: Charles Sly


Highways & Planning

W Rodwell, L McGuiness, A Croyle, D Croyle

Proposed: Charles Sly

Seconded: Paul Barrett


11.  Minutes of the Previous Meeting – 26th March 2019


Proposed: Paul Barrett

Seconded: Barry Hopkins


12.  Matters Arising from the Minutes


•   Paul Barrett asked David Branton if there was an update on the signal box

-       Matter passed on to the Property team

-       No news since, so may need to get the MP to assist in getting talks restarted

•   Item 9 Speed Awareness started last Tuesday

-       Great team of people and would have had Cllr Pepper if the time had not been changed due to a funeral

-       Should have another one next week

-       Speed signs are working - another tool in our box for slowing the traffic down

-       A resident has offered to move the interactive signs around for us and recharge them

-       40mph reminder signs seem to be disappearing but the Chairman has some more that can be put up

-       Charles Sly stated that he has noticed Motorcyclists speeding at the other end of the village once they have passed the school

-       Lincolnshire Police have asked PB to report anyone using a mobile phone or not wearing a seatbelt.  If there are any, they will come down in an unmarked car

-       Count the traffic and anyone caught speeding will receive a letter from the Police.  The second time the Police will visit them with a letter.  90% success rate.


13.  Report on Planning


Only 2 applications received since the March meeting:


H03-0482-19   2 Counter Drain Drove, Tongue End              2-storey side and rear extension, new porch                                                                                       and single storey flat roof rear extension                                                                                                       (retrospective) previously approved under                                                                                                     H03-1061-14

No comments


H03-0469-19   7 Banks Drove, Deeping St Nicholas             Proposed garage to front of dwelling approved                                                                                      under H03-1139-18. Amendment to height of                                                                                                 garage and new windows to rear and side                                                                                                     elevation


No comments


Cllr Alcock was invited to discuss the following planning applications:

•   Caulton’s Field is going before the Planning Committee next Wednesday and the officer’s recommendation is for approval.  Total of 66 properties, 17 affordable.

•   Home Farm is ready to go to Committee but is being held whilst Legal Advice is being sought due to the piece of land being outside of the newly adopted Local Plan, even though the principle of development has already been approved.

•   Still drainage issues regarding the Plough site, which the officers are fully aware of.

The Tinsley development was discussed which led to a discussion regarding foul water being discharged into the nearby dike.  Anglian Water and the Environment Agency are dealing with this.


14.  Playing Fields, Equipment & Bus Shelters


Campain’s Lane Bus Shelter

After consultation with the residents, it was agreed that the PC pull down the bus shelter and make good the land.  David Branton undertook the work on behalf of the PC and, following advice given by District and County Cllr Rodney Grocock, made good the land with hardcore and gravel in order to create a safe passing place for vehicles entering Campain’s Lane, should another vehicle be approaching to exit the junction.  Someone complained to LCC Highways and Mr. Branton has received communication from Highways to reinstate the grass verge in front of where the bus shelter was. 


As stated by the Chairman, although David Branton undertook the work, it was on behalf of the PC, so all further communication should come to the PC.  The Senior Highways officer met with David Branton, William Rodwell and Angela Harrison at the site.  Cllr Grocock was also asked to attend, but could not make it, so with short notice, Cllr Pepper made the effort to be there to support the PC. 


It was agreed that the easiest, cheapest and quickest solution for the PC, would be to put a thin layer of soil, then grass over the area in front of the bus shelter site.


•   Paul Barrett stated that Campain’s Lane playing field was checked on a regular basis and the equipment is being used regularly.


•   The bench at St Nicholas Park has been very well received and used by lots of parents who are really pleased with it.


•   The Clerk read out the response email from a resident who was concerned about anti-social behaviour on the green at St Nicholas Park.  (Clerk to send email thanking him)


•   Charles Sly went to the Tongue End playing field a few weeks ago and all was well.  The concrete bollard was still in place.


15.  Correspondence


The Clerk read out the following emails:


·      Response from Inspector Gareth Boxall, following the Clerk’s email sent on behalf of the PC to PCSO Nicola Timms questioning the accuracy of the crime figures and her failure to attend any of the Parish Meetings.  (A copy of which was sent to the PCC Marc Jones):


‘The below email has been passed to me by PCSO Timms and is probably best addressed by me; particularly following my letter to all Parish Councils last week about our attendance at meetings (which I appreciate you would not have been in receipt of when you sent this).


One of the reasons, we will be withdrawing from providing crime statistics to meetings is highlighted in the issues you raise. There are numerous different ways that these figures can be provided, incidents and crimes are recorded in very different ways and there are sometimes delays in the recording of crimes. All these reasons lead to discrepancies in various figures. For example, incidents such as hare-coursing are sometimes recorded as one incident, but would feature numerous people reporting the incident as it develops and moves from place to place.


Notwithstanding this, the current system of reporting is time consuming; PCSO Timms has to search through all the incidents for the rural area and pick out the ones for the Deeping St Nicholas Parish which understandably means sometimes incidents gets missed and there is not consistency in the way each officer does this for their Parishes. It is clear that Councillors are already aware of the incidents that have occurred in the Parish anyway.


I have looked into the incident referred to involving a knife and a hammer and can confirm that this occurred on 25th January so fell outside of the period reported.


In relation to the anti-social behaviour incident that occurred on 15th March, I have looked into this and can confirm that not only was this reported to us but it was resolved by PCSO Timms. We located the offender and he has been dealt with in accordance with the wishes of the victim. We will ensure that we include Hay Barn Drive in our patrols but rely on residents there to report incidents of anti-social behaviour to us on 101.’



·      Deeping St Nicholas Primary School with an update on how the Parish Council’s donation of £500 has been used to set up their Breakfast Club:


‘I just wanted to let you know that our Breakfast Club started this week with 10 children attending the first day. Today (Wednesday) we have 17 children in for the club representing 30.35% of the school.


We have used some of the £500.00 donation from The Deeping St Nicholas Parish Council to buy equipment, such as a fridge, toaster etc.  The rest will be used to buy the provisions for the club. We are very grateful for the support from the Parish Council in this new venture for the school.


There is certainly a new “buzz” around in the mornings and it is lovely to see such happy smiley children enjoying their breakfast. You can almost see a slight lift in the parents with a little less stress in the morning school run. Our Breakfast club is a good representation of the families within our school and wider village community, with pupil premium children and low-income families making use of the club.


We are currently running the club as a free drop in at the moment but will continue to look at ways to subsidize the club to ensure its sustainability.’     


16.  Accounts Update


                        Payments Made April/May

Welland & Deepings IDB                                                                                   146.15

Savills (Land Rent)                                                                                            963.00

TN Sneath & Sons (Grass Cutting)                                                                3,164.40

LALC (Annual Subscription)                                                                             405.59

Savills (Land Rent)                                                                                              50.00

LALC (Training)                                                                                                  138.00

HMRC                                                                                                                213.80

April Salary                                                                                                        313.00

Payments Due

Expenses (includes PC Mobile phone)                                                               25.96

May Salary                                                                                                         313.00


Credits Received April/May

Lincs Co-op (Advertising)                                                                                    60.00

Vine House Farm (Advertising)                                                                           60.00

Barret CJ SH Training (Advertisiing)                                                                   60.00

Allotment Rent                                                                                                1,062.33

Precept 2019/20                                                                                           13,945.00

LCC (Contribution towards Highway Grass Verge Cutting                            203.46


Savills wrote to D Branton to say that they wanted to do an inspection of the land.  He spoke to the tenant, R Ivatt who agreed that they could inspect whenever they wanted.


17.  Update on Peterborough & Spalding Transport Forum - Bus Routes


The Chairman stated that there had a meeting and a drive through the village to identify where the Bissell Posts would need to go.  Apparently, we are not allowed to dig the holes for the posts ourselves, so Highways will need to let us know how much this will cost.  We are hoping to use existing lampposts where possible, which will mean there will only be a need for 4 Bissell Posts.  We will not commit to it until we know the true costs of erecting the poles.


18.  Update on Community Trust Committee


The Chairman read out the following, which had been sent through via email from Deborah and Andy Croyle:


  1. Table top sale 24th March at Spalding Common – run by Peter & Andy, made a surplus of £23. Worth a try but not worth repeating.


  1. Quiz night 3rd April at The Olde Bridge Inn, Crowland made a surplus of just under £200. Disappointing compared to last year’s event, (can we blame uncertainty over Brexit?), but enables the committee to fund the up-front costs of the Village Fete e.g. event licence without dipping into the bank account. Also, may have attracted a couple more helpers to the committee. Thanks to those present who attended and brought guests along, and especially to those who donated prizes for the raffle.


  1. Village Fete on the St Nicholas Way green triangle to be held on Saturday Sept 7th, 11-5. Please save the day. Still looking for councillors to help with a ‘Meet your Parish Council’ stall, even if only for a timed slot, to publicise the PCs activities.


  1. Application for charitable status continues, hoops continue to be jumped through. Achieving this will help the CTC attract funding without relying on the offered funding linked to the Home Farm development, if/when that happens.


  1. Planning permission still undecided for the hall on the St Nicholas way site as at Monday 13th.


  1. Current activity focussing on business plan to assist with applications for funding and to provide estimates of likely income & expenditure. Also reviewing the hall design with a view to simplifying and/or reducing the size to reduce costs, especially of the complex design of the roof as currently planned. Likely to allow more parking and/or green space than currently planned in accordance with the expressed wishes of the nearby residents.


Other Business

Paul Barrett stated that Erica Crust has organized a Civic Service on Sunday June 23rd at 10am and for volunteers who do work for the village and the community. The Cllrs will be pleased to attend and support this.



“In Committee”

The Press & Public to be excluded from the meeting in accordance with the provision of Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960.  The items to be discussed being of a confidential nature.


19. To formerly approve Section 1 - Annual Governance Statement of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2018/19


The Chairman read out numbers 1 to 9 of the Annual Governance Statement 2018/19 and ticked the boxes as agreed with all those present.  He then duly signed and dated the document.


20. To formerly approve Section 2 - Accounting Statements of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2018/19


The Chairman read out numbers 1 to 11 of the Annual Governance Statement 2018/19 and ticked the boxes as agreed with all those present.  He then duly signed and dated the document.



Parish Council Vacancy

·       The application for the vacancy in Tongue End was discussed. 

o   There appeared to be confusion over why the vacancy had come about, as Richard Ivatt had always been the representative for Tongue End, as had his father before him.

o   The Clerk believed that following the boundary change instigated by the County Council, Tongue End had become a separate Ward of Deeping St Nicholas, although this had not been made clear at the local elections. 

o   Richard was unaware that his nomination papers should only have been signed by residents of Tongue End.  As his Nominee and Seconder both lived in DSN, he had become a DSN Cllr by default.

o   The Clerk stated that one option would be for Richard to resign his current seat and be co-opted onto the vacancy in Tongue End.  This would then create a vacancy in DSN, but she was unsure whether the PC would be able to Co-Opt someone onto that vacancy.

o   The Clerk was asked to clarify all options with Democratic Services in the morning in order that a desired outcome could be achieved.


It was agreed that once the options were confirmed, the Chairman would speak with Richard and then to all Cllrs present to confirm how Richard wished to proceed.  Once a solution is reached, the Clerk will write to the applicant to explain the situation.


Clerk’s Salary


The Clerk was asked to leave the room whilst this item was discussed and the following decision sent through via email:


Following the pay increases sent through from LALC at the beginning of the year, (and that there had been no pay rise implemented in 2018), it was decided that the Clerk’s salary would be increased by 40 pence an hour from 1st April 2019, based on 8 hours per week.